(1.中国气象科学研究院, 北京  100081;2.中国气象局,  北京  100081;3.陕西省气象局,  西安  710015)
Econometrical Analysis of the Effects of Weather on Agriculture Economic Output over China
(1.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081;2.China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081;3.Shaanxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Xi’an 710015)
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投稿时间:2009-10-14    修订日期:2010-05-07
中文摘要: 将计量经济学与气象学相结合,在经典C D生产函数中引入气象因子构建气象计量经济模型,引入弹性和极差率的概念,定量分析了气象条件变化对我国农业经济产出的影响。结果表明:模型具有较高的拟合准确性,加入气象因子提高了对农业经济产出的整体拟合水平,初步证明了计量经济模型的合理性。受气象条件变化的综合影响,各行政区农业经济产出变化幅度为5%~85%,各区域农业经济产出变化幅度为3.4%~19.5%。计量经济学在气象领域的应用可以定量评估天气气候变化对社会经济的影响,为天气和气候变化研究提供了新方法,具有很好的应用前景。
Abstract:Based on econometrics and meteorology, the meteorological factors have been introduced into the renowned economic Cobb Douglas production function, yielding an integrated model using real data from 1978-2006. The concepts of elasticity and range rate are presented in this paper to evaluate the effects of weather conditions on agriculture economic output over China. The results show that, the rationality and scientificalness of the model have been verified as the inclusion of meteorological factors improves the overall fit of the traditional C D production function and the interannual variability of agriculture economic output can be simulated accurately. Compared with precipitation, temperature has greater and more significant impacts on agriculture economic output over China. The magnitudes of range rate are from 5% to 85% for 31 administrative regions and a range from 3.4% to 19.5% for eight geographical regions of China. Econometric model can quantitatively assess the socioeconomic impacts of weather and climate variability, provide a new approach for weather and climate change research and there will be a bright prospect for its application.
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LIU Jie,XU Xiaofeng,LUO Hui,2010.Econometrical Analysis of the Effects of Weather on Agriculture Economic Output over China[J].Meteor Mon,36(10):46-51.