(1.上海市气象局, 上海 200030;2.上海市气象信息与技术支持中心, 上海 200030)
X-Band Mobile Dual Polarized Doppler Weather Radar and Analysis of Several Key Techniques Adopted
(1.Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, Shanghai 200030;2.Shanghai Meteorological Information and Technical Support Centre, Shanghai 200030)
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投稿时间:2009-07-20    修订日期:2010-03-25
中文摘要: 文章描述了上海引进的移动X波段双线偏振多普勒气象雷达系统的主要性能和显著技术特点,着重分析了该雷达系统为了获取有效和可靠的双线偏振探测数据,如差分反射率 ZDR、传播相位KDP、差分相位ΦDP和相关系数ρHV等所采用的关键技术和措施,其中包括:200 kW超强峰值功率;平均40 dB以上中频相参地杂波抑制能力;95 dB至100 dB大线性动态范围及其-112 dBm(1 μs脉宽)高灵敏度接收机;31.25 m精细距离分辨率;EDGE5.0多功能应用软件包;在天线仰角轴上组合安装双偏振波导、接收机和信号处理系统的创新设计;良好的野外机动探测性能等。文章还给出了实测个例资料并指出该雷达的新颖设计理念和实现的关键技术值得国内在同类型气象雷达的设计制造中学习和借鉴。
Abstract:The major advanced features and performances of Shanghai imported mobile X band dual polarized Doppler weather radar system have been described in this paper. Detailed analysis and comparisons of the radar specifications and the technical measures adopted between the imported mobile radar and the same domestic type have also been conducted in order to indicate that these super specifications and technical measures realized already in the import one are necessary and important for obtaining better quality based dual polarized parameters, such as ZDR, KDP,ΦDP, ρHV etc. All those mentioned above in the imported weather radar include 200 kW peak power output, over 40 dB averaging ground clutter suppression in the IF coherence system, 95 dB to 100 dB receiver linear dynamic range and ≤-112 dBm receiver sensitivity (1 μs pulse width), with the finest 31.25 m range bin resolution, innovated and patented antenna mounted receiver (AMR) technique, as well as integrated EDGE5.0 software package providing varieties of radar products. It has also illustrated some images acquired by this mobile radar from the field observation. The paper indicated finally that all the advanced aspects achieved in this imported mobile radar are worthy to be learned and followed by domestic weather radar manufacturers.
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WU Zhigen,YANG Limin,WANG Qindian,ZHU Zhaoqing,HUANG Yunfeng,HU Ping,SHEN Lifeng,YIN Chunguang,2010.X-Band Mobile Dual Polarized Doppler Weather Radar and Analysis of Several Key Techniques Adopted[J].Meteor Mon,36(8):126-133.