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投稿时间:2008-06-24 修订日期:2009-10-22
投稿时间:2008-06-24 修订日期:2009-10-22
中文摘要: 利用1987—2006年重庆及其周边地区11个站的探空资料,通过计算水汽含量、水汽通量等参量,分析了重庆地区上空水汽含量和水汽输送的时空分布特征。结果表明,重庆地区空中水汽含量在夏季最大,冬季最小;南部、西部较多,北部、东部较少。绝大部分的水汽含量集中在500 hPa以下。重庆地区的水汽主要来源自西边界的西风水汽输送和南边界的西南风水汽输送;重庆大部分地区上空的水汽输送多以辐合为主,尤其在重庆西部地区更为明显,进行人工增雨潜力较大。
中文关键词: 水汽含量, 水汽输送, 时空分布
Abstract:On the basis of sounding data at 11 stations from 1987 to 2006 in Chongqing and its surrounding areas, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of water vapor resources in Chongqing areas are analyzed. The results show that the water vapor content in the air is the most in summer but the least in winter. There is more water vapor content in southern and western parts of Chongqing and less in northern and eastern parts of Chongqing. The most of water vapor content is under 500 hPa level of the troposphere. The water vapor transportation is coming mainly from the west and west south. There is a convergence of water vapor transport in Chongqing, especially in western Chongqing. There is a great potential to the artificial rainfall enhancement in this area, especially the western Chongqing.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
杨茜 | 重庆市人工影响天气办公室, 重庆 401147 重庆市气象科学研究所, 重庆 401147 |
李轲 | 重庆市人工影响天气办公室, 重庆 401147 |
高阳华 | 重庆市气象科学研究所, 重庆 401147 |
YANG Qian,LI Ke,GAO Yanghua,2010.The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Water Vapor Resources over Chongqing Areas[J].Meteor Mon,36(8):100-105.
YANG Qian,LI Ke,GAO Yanghua,2010.The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Water Vapor Resources over Chongqing Areas[J].Meteor Mon,36(8):100-105.