(1.广西桂林市气象局, 桂林 541001;2. 广西气象减灾研究所, 南宁 530022)
The Analysis of the Radar Echo Features for Many Kinds of Convective Events
(1.Guilin Meteorological Office of Guangxi, Guilin 541001;2.Guangxi Institute of Meteorological Disaster Mitigation, Nanning 530022)
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投稿时间:2009-05-20    修订日期:2010-01-28
中文摘要: 利用桂林的CINRAD SB雷达资料和NCEP资料对2004年11月9—11日桂林市中北部连续性暴雨、大暴雨,南部连续局地冰雹龙卷过程进行了分析。结果表明:一强降水超级单体演变成弓形回波导致了10日桂林市短时暴洪;一系列线型波动(LEWP)的列车效应造成了9—11日桂林北部的暴雨。弓形回波和线形波动前侧都有V型缺口,表明有强的西南气流进入上升气流,同时都有后侧V型缺口,表明具有强的下沉气流和后侧偏北气流。可用弓形回波提前20~33分钟预警短时暴洪。而造成南部恭城附近连续两日的冰雹和龙卷风天气都是由孤立的右移型γ尺度超级单体造成,有三体散射长钉(TBSS)回波特征,可用于提前15~22分钟预警大冰雹。对流单体发展成为龙卷单体伴随有下击暴流的气旋性辐散特征,非常临近地面大风出现时间。
Abstract:Based on the CINRAD SB radar data of Guilin and the NCEP data, the event including series torrential rain occurring in north region and series hail storm and tornado occurring in south region between 9 to 11 November 2004 is analyzed. The results show that the flash flood occurring in Guilin City was led by an HP with bow echo. The series torrential rain occurring in north region of Guilin was led by the effect of series LEWP. There were FFNs ahead of bow echo and LEWP, which showed that there was strong southwest wind intruding into the upward current. There was RIN behind the bow echo and the LEWP, which showed that there were strong downdraft winds and the rear northerly wind. The bow echo can be used to issue flash flooding warning ahead of 20 to 33 minutes. The hail storm and tornado events which occurred in south region of Guilin lasting for two days were led by the isolated γ scale supercells moving rightly. The TBSS feature can be used to issue big hailstorm warning ahead of 15 to 22 minutes. The convective cell developing to tornado was followed by cyclone divergence feature of downburst, it was very close to the time that the damage wind occurred.
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基金项目:广西科学技术厅项目 “多普勒雷达结合中尺度数值模式的强对流天气临近预报研究” (桂科自0728076),”突发性暴雨山洪及灾害的监测与预警系统关键技术研究”(桂科攻0719005 3 2),国家自然科学基金项目(40865001)联合资助
LI Xianghong,TANG Yi,ZHENG Chuanxin,LI Chuijun,2010.The Analysis of the Radar Echo Features for Many Kinds of Convective Events[J].Meteor Mon,36(8):61-71.