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投稿时间:2009-07-18 修订日期:2009-11-10
投稿时间:2009-07-18 修订日期:2009-11-10
中文摘要: 利用福建龙岩新一代天气雷达资料对2003—2007年中气旋产品进行统计分析, 重点对经人为判定确认为中气旋,并持续3个体扫以上中气旋特征及其对应风暴的特征进行分析。分析表明:持续3个体扫以上中气旋对应风暴与冰雹、雷雨大风、短时强降水等强对流天气的产生有很好的对应关系,通过对典型强对流天气过程分析,得出了中气旋发展高度、最强切变高度变化规律,切变、中气旋强弱与不同类型强对流天气的对应关系。为预报员及时准确预报短时强降水、冰雹、雷雨大风提供参考依据。
中文关键词: 新一代天气雷达, 中气旋, 超级单体风暴, 强对流
Abstract:By using radar data of Longyan CINRAD/SA from 2003 to 2007, the mesocyclone products were statistically analyzed.The characteristics of mesocyclones determined by person and the persistent three volume scannings and corresponding storm are mainly analyzed. The analysis shows that the mesocyclone which has more than three volumes scanings is well related with strong weather phenomena such as hail,thunderstorm, short time strong rainfall and so on. Based on the analysis of the typical strong weather processes, we can conclude the variation rules of the mesocyclone height and the largest shear’s height, and the correspondence relationship among the shear, the strong or weak mesocyclone and different types of strong weather. Therefore, the above conclusins will provide references for forecasters to predict short time strong rainfall, hail, thunderstorm timely and accurately.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
冯晋勤 | 南京信息工程大学, 南京 210044 福建省龙岩市气象局, 龙岩 364000 |
汤达章 | 南京信息工程大学, 南京 210044 |
俞小鼎 | 中国气象局培训中心, 北京 100081 |
张红梅 | 福建省龙岩市气象局, 龙岩 364000 |
陈秋萍 | 福建省气象台, 福州 350001 |
FENG Jinqin,TANG Dazhang,YU Xiaoding,ZHANG Hongmei,CHEN Qiuping,2010.The Accuracy Statistics of Mesocyclone Identification Products from CINRAD/SA[J].Meteor Mon,36(8):47-52.
FENG Jinqin,TANG Dazhang,YU Xiaoding,ZHANG Hongmei,CHEN Qiuping,2010.The Accuracy Statistics of Mesocyclone Identification Products from CINRAD/SA[J].Meteor Mon,36(8):47-52.