(1.江苏省气象灾害重点实验室, 南京信息工程大学, 南京 210044;2.南京信息工程大学大气物理学院, 南京 210044;3. 中国气象局气象探测中心, 北京 100086;4.青海省气象局, 西宁 810001)
Network System Design and Realization for Ground Based Microwave Radiometer Data Processing
(1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044;2.School of Atmospheric Physics, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044;3.Meteorological Observation;4.Qinghai Meteorological Bureau, Xining 810001)
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投稿时间:2008-11-10    修订日期:2009-09-30
中文摘要: 青海省三江源自然保护区项目利用三台地基微波辐射计(12~20通道)用于人工增雨工程,为了有助于在增雨作业过程中快速、直观、准确掌握整个区域内天气状况,设计了微波辐射计网络资料处理系统。整个系统包括观测站以及中心站数据库设计、观测数据上传和入库以及用户查询显示终端程序。该系统的建立采用结构化程序设计, 方便后续功能扩展,用DELPHI 7作为应用程序的开发工具, 用Microsoft SQL 2000做数据库,已实现数据格式转换、数据资料的实时传输、自动入库、原始数据及气象产品的查询、输出及单站产品多方式显示等功能。经过半年多软件测试实验,系统整体运行良好。
Abstract:Three ground based microwave radiometers were introduced into the artificial rainfall project for Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve in 2008. Network data processing system for ground based microwave radiometers was designed for the sake of acquiring the atmospheric information rapidly, visually and accurately, which was observed in the whole reserve. According to the function, the system can be divided into four parts: data uploading program, databases designing, data writing into database program and user terminal program for display. Structured programming was used for the system development. Delphi was used as the programming language, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the database was selected to realize the functions of real time temporary database and historical database establishing, microwave radiometer data conversion to the standard format, transformation, appending, data query, data exportation, and data display. After more than six months of software testing, the system is operating well overall, and is about to apply in the meteorological observation.
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GUO Wei,WANG Zhenhui,SUN Anping,HU Fangchao,CHU Zhigang,PAN Xuguang,2010.Network System Design and Realization for Ground Based Microwave Radiometer Data Processing[J].Meteor Mon,36(4):120-125.