(国家气候中心, 中国气象局气候研究开放实验室, 北京 100081)
Ocean and Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies in 2009 and Their Impacts on Climate in China
(The Laboratory of Climate Study of CMA, National Climate Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2010-02-01    修订日期:2010-02-23
中文摘要: 2009年总体来看,全国天气气候的特征为气温偏高,平均降水偏少,夏季为近10多年来降水最少的年份,区域性和持续性干旱非常显著:黄淮、华北发生了严重的秋冬季连旱,东北西南部夏秋旱严重,江南西部、华南西部和西南南部夏秋旱明显等。2009年在南海和西太平洋生成的热带气旋个数明显偏少,但是登陆的偏多,初次登陆时间偏早。分析发现,2009年赤道中东太平洋春季前处于冷水位相,4月以后进入暖水位相,6月开始了一次厄尔尼诺事件。受海洋异常强迫和海气相互作用的影响,北半球大气环流表现出的主要特征是:500 hPa西太平洋副高强度和位置变化较大;东亚冬季风偏弱,夏季风偏强;西太平洋暖池区冬春季热带对流活动偏强,夏秋季正常;亚洲中高纬度经纬向环流交替转换,其中5月纬向环流盛行,6月、10月和11月经向环流盛行。这些环流异常是影响2009年中国气候异常的主要原因。
Abstract:Overall in 2009, the weather and climate are characterized by high temperatures and less precipitation. In this year, summer precipitation is the least in the past 10 years, regional and persistent drought was very significant, there is a serious drought in Huanghuai region and North China in winter. In summer and autumn, severe drought is monitored in the southwest of Northeast China, western Jiangnan, obviously drought in western South China and southern Southwest China. The typhoon number is significantly less than the normal generated over the South China Sea and the West Pacific. However, the number of landing China is more than normal, as well as the first landing one occurs earlier than normal. It is shown that the SSTA (SST anomaly) over the central and eastern Pacific was below normal before spring of 2009, and changed into a warm phase in April 2009. An El Nino event begins in June. Due to the influence forced by SSTA and interaction between ocean and atmosphere, the general circulation over the Northern Hemisphere is shown the dominant anomalies which have been characterized as respondence as follows: the intensity and position of subtropical high over the West Pacific vary more frequently than normal; the tropical convection in the warm pool of West Pacific is more active from winter to spring and near normal from summer to fall of 2009 compared to the normal; and the transition between meridional and zonal circulations is carried out by turns. The zonal circulation prevails in May over the mid high latitude area of Asia; the meridional circulation prevails in June, October and November. These may be the main factors that influence climate in China in 2009.
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AI Wanxiu,SUN Linhai,SONG Wenling,2010.Ocean and Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies in 2009 and Their Impacts on Climate in China[J].Meteor Mon,36(4):101-105.