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投稿时间:2008-12-16 修订日期:2009-12-15
投稿时间:2008-12-16 修订日期:2009-12-15
中文摘要: 水量平衡和蒸散发过程研究是水文循环研究的重要方面。正确的观测和计算地表实际蒸散发量对认识气候变化条件下的水循环特征、实现区域水资源的可持续开发利用具有非常重要的意义。传统蒸渗仪功能单一,不仅安装费用较高,日常维护和观测需要大量的人力物力,观测精度也常常受到仪器系统误差或人为因素的影响。围绕着陆面蒸散发观测和解决“蒸发悖论”的科学问题,设计了用于研究气候变化对水循环、陆面蒸散发影响的野外自动观测实验的新系统,站址选择在江西省南昌县生态实验站。该新型蒸渗仪(Lysimeter)系统采用先进的高分辨率称重系统(陆面蒸散发观测精度:0.01 mm)、高精度土壤水分水势传感器(pf:0 7, 国际专利号:102004010518.9)和动态IP解析技术的GPRS 数据采集器(24 bit, 512 k),通过地表气象站、土壤水分水势、蒸渗仪和地下水位等独立的观测实验对比,确定陆地表面实际蒸散发量以及蒸散发过程的有关参数。该系统无论在测量的精度及频次上都比传统观测方法有极大的提高。另外,除了应用于陆面实际蒸散发量的观测外,该系统装置了2004年获得国际专利的新型土壤水分、温度和水势传感器,观测精度较高,观测频次可调节幅度较大,且适应多种环境条件,能够根据不同的科学目标进行新的组合和设计。
Abstract:Research on water balance and evapotranspiration (ETa) process is an important part in water cycle research. Observation and assessment on ETa over land surface are of great significance for the understanding of water cycle and sustainable development of water resources under climate change conditions. However, traditional lysimeter is usually of simple function, limited precision, and is expensive in installation and daily operation. To observe ETa over land surface and understand the ‘evaporation paradox’, the authors designed this new lysimeter system, which is located in the Ecological Experiment Station of Nanchang County in Jiangxi Province, to study the impacts of climate change on water cycle and ETa over land surface. With many hi techs such as high resolution weighting system (0.01 mm), pf meters (pf: 0 7) and observation GPRS loggers (24 bit, 512 k), ETa over land and its process are measured based on the observation of soil water potential (Matrix potential), lysimeter and groundwater level. Besides higher precision and frequency compared to traditional lysimeter, this new system can observe ETa process, the new loggers for soil moisture and water potential, which got the international patent in 2004 thus it is of high precision, observation frequency and wide adaption to environment, and therefore can be used to a wide range of application based on different targets and new version of design.
keywords: lysimeter, actual evapotranspiration over land, automatic observation, GPRS Dynamic IP Logger
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:中国科学院百人计划项目, 国家自然科学基金项目(40601017, 40701028, 40771040),中国气象局气候研究开放实验室基金(LCS2006-07)等联合资助
LIU Bo,JIANG Tong,ZHAI Jianqing,ZHANG Wenhong,2010.New Design and Observation of Lysimeter on Actual Evapotranspiration[J].Meteor Mon,36(3):112-116.
LIU Bo,JIANG Tong,ZHAI Jianqing,ZHANG Wenhong,2010.New Design and Observation of Lysimeter on Actual Evapotranspiration[J].Meteor Mon,36(3):112-116.