(1.中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室, 国家卫星气象中心, 北京 100081;2.北京师范大学资源学院, 北京 100875;3.北京师范大学环境学院, 北京 100875)
Impacts of Urbanization on Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Land Surface Temperature in Beijing
(1 Key Laboratory of Radiometric Calibration and Validation for Environmental Satellites of China Meteorological Administration (LRCVES/CMA), National Statellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;2.Resources School, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;3.Environmental School, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875)
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投稿时间:2008-03-12    修订日期:2009-10-22
中文摘要: 分别采用常规气象数据和遥感资料,结合城市化发展总体水平不同的三大板块,分析北京市城市化对地表温度时空变化特征的影响。(1)将北京市1978—2006年常规气象站点的陆表温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)观测资料与三大板块结合,分析城市化对LST年、季、白天、夜间、最大值和最小值的影响。发现1978—2006年期间,北京市三大板块LST均值总体上均呈上升趋势,且大多数情况下,第一板块的>第二板块的>第三板块的。(2)采用北京市2001年和2006年全年的EOS MODIS MOD 13归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)产品以及MOD11白天/夜间LST产品,分析城市化过程中下垫面变化对LST的影响。总体上,北京市2006年较2001年NDVI减少的比例为51.3%,白天LST升高的比例为73.74%,夜间LST升高的比例高达90.92%。(3)北京市2006年与2001年NDVI的差值以及白天、夜间LST的差值的联合分类结果表明,第一和第二板块均表现出2006年较2001年NDVI减少、白天LST增加的类别所占的百分比最大,分别占54.29%和40.95%,而且均大于其在第三板块中所占的比例34%,而三个板块中NDVI增加、白天LST减少的百分比与NDVI减少、白天LST增加的百分比之和均超过了50%。第一、第二和第三板块中2006年较2001年NDVI减少、夜间LST增加的类别所占百分比分别为51.67%、44.2%和42.46%。这些数据定量地说明了城市化过程中下垫面变化对白天、夜间LST的影响。
Abstract:By dividing Beijing into three plates indicating different urbanization levels according to the urbanization degrees, effects of Beijing urbanization on land surface temperature (LST) are analyzed with routine meteorological data and remote sensing products. (1) Impacts of urbanization on such features of LST as mean value of year, season, day, night, maximum and minimum are analyzed with the combination of meteorological data and the three plates. The results present that LST in three plates is all increasing from 1978 to 2006. In most conditions, mean LST calculated from the first plat is the biggest, and this from the third plat is smallest. (2) MOD13 and MOD11 products of 2001 and 2006 are used to study the effect of change in surface on LST during urbanization of Beijing. The results show that NDVI in 2006 is decreased by 51.3% compared to this in 2001 while day LST is increased by 73.74% and night LST is increased by 90.92%. (3) According to NDVI difference and day/night LST difference between 2006 and 2001 in Beijing, nine classes are extracted to present the change of LST with the change of NDVI. The classification result of NDVI difference and day LST difference shows that the percentages of the class presenting NDVI decreased while day LST increased in the three plates are 54.29%, 40.95% and 34% respectively. And the summary of the percentages of NDVI increased while day LST decreased and NDVI decreased while day LST increased is bigger than 50% in all three plates. The classification result of NDVI difference and night LST difference shows that the percentages of the class presenting NDVI decreased while night LST increased in the three plates are 51.67%、44.2% and 42.46%, which well explains the impact of surface change on LST during urbanization.
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CAO Guangzhen,HOU Peng,MAO Xianqiang,2010.Impacts of Urbanization on Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Land Surface Temperature in Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,36(3):19-26.