(1.国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081;2.国家气候中心)
Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Over the Western North Pacific in 2008
(1.National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;2.National Climate Center)
本文已被:浏览 1309次   下载 2019
投稿时间:2009-02-04    修订日期:2009-07-23
中文摘要: 对2008年西北太平洋及我国南海热带气旋的活动特征进行总结,并从多方面分析其成 因。结果指出:2008年西北太平洋热带气旋活动的主要特征为生成总数少,源地集中,位置 偏西;登陆数多、时间早;登陆地点偏南、时间集中等。其原因主要在于:在热带气旋的多 发期副热带高压面积偏大、强度偏强、西伸脊点异常偏西,且脊线偏南,造成西北太平洋热 带地区盛行偏东风,不利于热带扰动的生成和发展;同时,也使得在其南侧生成的热带气旋 易在偏东气流的引导下登陆我国南方。另外,季风槽、垂直风切变、海表温度和热带辐合带 上的对流活动等因子的异常分布都不利于热带气旋在西北太平洋东部海域生成,直接导致这 一年热带气旋生成总数明显偏少,源地显著偏西。
Abstract:The characteristics of tropical cyclone (TC) over the western North Pac ific (WNP) in 2008 were reviewed, and its causation was analyzed. The results sh owed that the number of TC was less than the mean, the formative location was more concentrated and further west; the landing number was more than the normal, the first landed earlier, the landing position of TC was further south and landing time was more focused. The analyses of the main factors resulting in these anomalies showed that compared with means, the characteristics of the subtropical high were abnormal during the period of TC activity, including its area, strength, ridge position etc. which were unfavorable to the genesis and development of TC. And the anomaly distribution of important factors, such as the monsoon trough, vertical wind shear, sea surface temperature and OLR, was not favorable to the genesis of TC in the eastern WNP, which led to the decrease of TC number and the westward movement of genesis location.
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Wang Jin,Ke Zongjian,Jiang Jixi,2009.Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Over the Western North Pacific in 2008[J].Meteor Mon,35(12):44-50.