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(中国气象科学研究院中国气象局云雾物理重点开放实验室,北京 100081)
Numerical Study on the Complex of the Stratiform and Embedded Convective Cloud Precipitation: A Case Study
(Key Laboratory for Cloud Physics and Weather Modification of CMA,  Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2009-04-30    修订日期:2009-07-24
中文摘要: 观测显示,积层混合云有自己独特的动力热力结构,降水过程也有自己的特点,但过 去关于积层混合云的实例模拟工作较少。2007年9月28日在我国华北地区发生了一次积层混 合云降水过程。利用WRF ARW中尺度数值模式,对这一个例进行了实例模拟,并结合常规观 测、卫星和雷达资料分析模拟结果,表明:此次积层混合云系是降水云系减弱,层状云 发展形成的。在降水物理过程中,此次积层混合云不仅具有积云和层云形态混合的特征,还 具有冷云过程和暖云过程共存的相态混合的特征;中层的大范围辐合和相应的较均匀上升气 流场支撑着层状云,而在均匀上升气流场中的波动导致了对流云镶嵌其中;有迹象表明,条 件对称不稳定是维持此次积层混合云发展的动力因子。
中文关键词: 积层混合云  WRF数值模拟
Abstract:Observation shows that the complex of stratiform and embedded convecti ve percipitation has its own unique thermal and dynamic structure, and the preci pitation process has its own characteristics. However, the numerical study of real cases has been published much less so far. In this paper, a case on the 28 September 2007 complex of stratiform clouds and embedde d convective clouds in North China is simulated by using the WRF ARW model. It shows that, the clouds are weakened by the shear line, and formed by the develop ment ofstratiform clouds. It also reveals that the complex of stratiform clouds and embedded convective clouds is not only the comp lex of clouds with different shapes, but also the complex of different microphys ical processes. And the large scale convergence on the middle level and the cor responding uniform updraft make the stratiform clouds develop, while the dramatic fluctuations of updraft lead to embedded convective clouds, which may be initiated and supported by conditional symmetric instability.
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基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题“混合云人工增雨技术研究”(批准号:2006BAC12B02); 科技部公益性行业(气象)科研专项项目“京津经济区及华北区域气溶胶对云的改变导致的降 水变化及其在天气预报中的应用”(GYHY200706036)
Yu Fei,Yao Zhanyu,2009.Numerical Study on the Complex of the Stratiform and Embedded Convective Cloud Precipitation: A Case Study [J].Meteor Mon,35(12):3-11.