(1.江苏省气象技术装备中心,南京 210008;2.中国气象局气象探测中心;3.江苏省南通市气象局;4.江苏省徐州市气象局)
Overhaul Methods of CINRAD/SA Radar RF Generator Faults
(1.Jiangsu Meteorological and Technical Equipment Centre, Nanjing 210008;2.CMA Meteorological Observation Center;3.Nantong Meteorological Office of Jiangsu Province;4.Xuzhou Meteorological Office of Jiangsu Province;5.Jiangsu Meteorological and Technical Equipment Centre, Nanjing 21000 8)
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投稿时间:2008-06-17    修订日期:2009-04-22
中文摘要: 频综是多普勒全相参天气雷达的核心部件,其组件工艺水平高且价格昂贵,它提供了整 个雷达工作所需的基准信号,共有5路输出,它们分别是9.6MHz主时钟信号、COHO信号、RF DRIVE信号、STALO信号、RF TEST SIGNAL信号。由于不同地区雷达发射机工作频率不同,因 此频综不能通用,在台站,备份频综组件不太现实。由于厂家没有提供频综图纸,使得故障 判别难度加大。因此通过剖析频综内部结构,给出频综的内部原理简图。针对十多个CINRAD /SA雷达频综出现的故障,划分出三种故障类型,并提出具体维修方法,在此基础上,归纳 出该型号雷达在使用过程中频综出现故障时,雷达操作、维护人员应掌握的故障排查方法及 技巧,以提高台站的保障能力。
中文关键词: CINRDA/SA  雷达  频综  故障  检修
Abstract:The RF Generator is the core component of Coherent Doppler weather rad ar, and the components are the high priced due to high level technics. It prov ides all ne cessary radar working signals of benchmark, and has altogether 5 output signals , na mely the 9.6 MHz master clock signals, COHO signal, RF DRIVE signal, STALO signa l , and RF TEST SIGNAL. Because different regions use different working frequenc y of ra dar’s transmitters, then the RF Generator can not be universal, and a compon ent backup is unrealistic in stations. On the other hand, radar manufacturers d id not provide the RF Generator drawings, and it brought difficulties to determine fau lt reasons. For the more than 10 CINRAD/SA radar RF Generator failures, the pape r divides three types of failures and analyzes the specific repairing methods. Finally, b y analyzing the frequency internal structure, we put forward the method or techn ique of resolving failures which the radar operator and maintenance professional should master so as to enhance the station’s security capacity.
keywords: CINRAD/SA  radar  frequency  fault  overhaul
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Zhou Honggen,Gao Yuchun,Hu Fan,Zhou Liang,Cai Qin,Wu Tian,Lan Jie,2009.Overhaul Methods of CINRAD/SA Radar RF Generator Faults[J].Meteor Mon,35(10):113-118.