(广东省大气探测技术中心, 广州 510080)
A Pragmatic Precise Air Temperature Measurement Algorithm and Its Realization
(Guangdong Atmospheric Observation Technology Centre, Guangzhou 510080)
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投稿时间:2008-01-23    修订日期:2009-02-05
中文摘要: 为了精确测量气温,可以用铂电阻(Pt100)作为温度传感器制作测温装置,但是铂电阻具有 电阻与温度成非线性特性。从介绍铂电阻特性入手,在实践中提出了一种铂电阻传感器非线 性信号转换成温度的精密算法,也就是软件查表法和平均法进行非线性误差粗、精两级校正 。这种算法由硬件和软件两部分构成。硬件是以性能优越的A/D转换器为核心组成的具有自 校准和系统校准功能的精密转换电路,软件由给出的主要源程序代码组成。
中文关键词: 气温测量  算法  精密校正  铂电阻(Pt100)  设计
Abstract:In order to accurately measure the temperature, it can be taken platinum res istance (Pt100) as a sensor of temperature measurement device, but it brings about the temperature resistance nonlinear characteri stics. A unique precise algorithm for the conversion of platinum resistance nonl inear signals into air temperature is put forward by introducing platinum resist ance characteristics, and it is also the software table look up law and the method of average which carry out the two levels of error adjustm ents. The realization of this unique algorithm consists of the hardware and soft w are parts. The hardware is based on the good performance of A/D co n verter for the core component of the self calibration and system ca libration features in the precision conversion circuit, and the software is give n by the principa l source code, to achieve precision temperature measurement. The method is well applied in the temperature measurement devices.
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基金项目:广东省科技厅科技计划项目“地面气象综合探测自动化系统的研制”(2005B60 401024)
Ao Zhenlang,Li Yuanhong,Lv Yuchang,2009.A Pragmatic Precise Air Temperature Measurement Algorithm and Its Realization[J].Meteor Mon,35(10):103-107.