(1.河南省新乡市气象局, 453003;2.河南省获嘉县气象局)
nalysis of Characteristics of Water Requirement and Supply and Effect of Straw Stalk Cover in Huojia, Henan Province
(1.Xinxiang Meteorological Office of Henan Province, Xinxiang 453003;2.Huojia Meteorological Station)
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投稿时间:2007-12-27    修订日期:2008-05-30
中文摘要: 秸秆覆盖可以减少土壤表面水分蒸发,提高水分利用效率。以不覆盖处理为对照,20 05年10月至2007年10月在获嘉县农场对冬小麦和夏玉米生育期间进行了秸秆覆盖处理对比观 测。结果表明,秸秆覆盖后近地层气象要素发生了改变,覆盖后近地层空气温度升高,水汽 压降低,地表土壤温度下降;秸秆覆盖有明显的保墒、蓄水作用,提高了土壤水分利用率; 同时秸秆覆盖对提高冬小麦的成穗数,增加冬小麦和玉米的千粒重有明显作用。试验期间, 推广田冬小麦增产幅度为8.7%,夏玉米增产幅度为8.9%。
Abstract:The straw stalk cover may reduce the soil surface moisture evaporation , and raise the moisture content use efficiency. By taking the processing without straw stalk cov er as comparison, the observational experiments of the straw stalk cover in whe at and corn growing period were conducted from October 2005 to October 2007. T he experimental result indicates that, th e straw mulching led to changes of meteorological elements near the ground, the air temperature increased, while the vapor pressure near the ground dec re ased, the radiation to the ground was blocked by the straw mulching,the soil tem pe rature decreased, and the moisture content was increased, thus the water use eff icienc y was raised. Meanwhile the straw mulching increased the mature spike number of w heat, and increased the thousand grain weights of wheat and maize. During the s traw mulching tests, the yield of wheat increased 8.7 percent, and the yield of maize increased 8.9 percent.
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基金项目:科技部科技成果转化项目“黄淮平原农业干旱监测预警与综合防御技术推广应用”(05EFN2 17400415)资助
Zhu Xinjian,Wang Xinhong,Zhang Hongwei,Geng Junping,Zang Xinzhou,2009.nalysis of Characteristics of Water Requirement and Supply and Effect of Straw Stalk Cover in Huojia, Henan Province[J].Meteor Mon,35(9):98-103.