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王曼1,2,2,3, 段旭1,2, 李华宏4,2, 符睿1,2
(1.云南省气象科学研究所, 昆明 650034;2.季风与气象灾害研究开放实验室;3.中国气象局成都高原气象研究所 ;4.云南省气象台)
A Numerical Study of the Effect of Terrain on Kunming Quasi Stationary Front (KQSF)
Wang Man1,2,3, Duan Xu1,2, Li Huahong4,2, Fu Rui1,2
(1.Yunnan Institute of Meteorology, Kunming 650034;2.Monsoon & Meteorological Disaster Study Lab;3.Chengdu Insititute of Plateau Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration;4.Meteorological Observator y of Yunnan Province)
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投稿时间:2008-03-19    修订日期:2009-07-03
中文摘要: 利用2008年1月NCEP/NCAR全球1°×1°再分析资料和MM5中尺度数值模拟结果,分 析研究了昆明准静止锋的结构和位置。结果表明:在中国南方地区持续、频繁受冷空气影响 下,昆明准静止锋的形成和维持是高原地形的阻挡和特定天气系统配置共同作用的结果;通 过对地形减半的敏感性数值试验,定量分析得到高原地形阻挡作用是昆明准静止锋形成和维 持的必要条件。
Abstract:The numerical simulation using the NCEP/NCAR 1°×1° global reanalysis in January 2008 and the MM5 mesoscale model is performed to investigate the stru cture and characteristics of Kunming quasi stationary front (KQSF) during the extrem e low temperature and frozen snow events over southern China. The results indi cate th at the formation and its maintenance of KQSF are the consequence of the obstruct i on due to plateau terrain and special synoptic system configuration under the i nflu ence of the long time, repeating cold airs over southern China. It is foun d t hat the obstruction of plateau terrain is necessary for the formation and the ma intenance of KQSF by the sensitivity numerical experiments of halving terrain.
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基金项目:云南省科技攻关及高新技术计划(2006SG25)、成都高原所开放基金“地形对昆明准静止锋 作用的数值模拟”和“西南地区2008年低温、雨雪、霜冻天气灾害研究”课题共同资助
Wang Man,Duan Xu,Li Huahong,Fu Rui,2009.A Numerical Study of the Effect of Terrain on Kunming Quasi Stationary Front (KQSF)[J].Meteor Mon,35(9):77-83.