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(北京市人工影响天气办公室,北京 100089)
Brief Introduction of Rain Mitigation Operation During Beijing 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony
(Beijing Weather Modification Office, Beijing 100089)
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投稿时间:2008-12-01    修订日期:2009-06-03
中文摘要: 自2002年6月起北京市人工影响天气办公室依托北京市科委重点课题“奥运期间人工防雹、 消雨作业试验研究”进行了人工消(减)雨的研究,在此研究基础上提出了北京2008年奥运 会开闭幕式人工消减雨作业技术方案和实施流程,针对北京8、9月份天气的特点和云系影响 北京的来向,设计奥运会开闭幕式消减雨18个作业区,并分析了前期试验结果。重点分析了 8月8日天气特点,及相应的飞机、地面火箭作业情况,并对作业效果进行分析。地面火箭大 规模消云减雨作业后,雷达回波强度明显减弱,雷达回波趋于消散,尤其是在21:48—22:00 作业阶段,雷达回波出现一个明显的缺口。对雷达回波按强度分档,从各档强度的雷达回波 面积变化可以看出,回波变化的明显的特征是强回波面积逐渐减少,而弱回波面积则在逐渐 增加。卫星资料反演的云顶高度和云粒子有效半径也能比较清楚地显示出大规模作业后的效 果。
Abstract:Supported by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission key project “Research on the hail suppression, rain mitigation operation during Olympic p eriod”, the technology of the rain mitigation operation during Beijing 2008 Oly mpic opening and closing ceremony was studied since 2002. The rain mitigation te chnological scheme, the rain mitigation working flow was made on the basis of t he study. 18 rain mitigation operation areas were designed according to the weat her characteristics and cloud moving direction during August and September in Be ijing Area, and the preliminary experiment results were also analyzed. Weather characteristics, seeding operation and the evaluation of the operation effect on 8t h August were mainly analyzed in the paper. It shows that the intensity of radar echo is weakened, the height of the radar echo is lowered and the area of inten se radar echo is decreased dramatically after the rain mitigation operation. Esp ecially after the seeding operation between 21:45-22:00, there was a gap obvious ly appeared in the radar echo. In addition, according to the change in the grade of the radar echo intensity we can see that the area of the strong echo was dim inished gradually, while the area of the weak echo was increased. The cloud top height and the cloud effective particle radius over the seeding place retrieved by the satellite also revealed the effect of the seeding operation.
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基金项目:中国气象局气象新技术推广项目“国庆六十周年人工消减雨技术研究” ;国家“十一五”科技攻关项目“北京地区人工消雾技术研究”(2006BAC12B04)
Zhang Qiang,He Hui,Liu Jianzhong,Li Hongyu,Huang Mengyu,Ma Xincheng,2009.Brief Introduction of Rain Mitigation Operation During Beijing 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony [J].Meteor Mon,35(8):3-15.