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投稿时间:2008-03-22 修订日期:2009-04-03
投稿时间:2008-03-22 修订日期:2009-04-03
中文摘要: 为了研究城市化进程对风速变化的影响,利用1971—2006年河北省境内邢台、张家口和乐亭
、600m、900m 4个高度的长期风速变化特征,比较了不同高度风速变化趋势的异同。分析结
Abstract:In order to understand how urban development changes the variation of wind speed
s,using the data of upper air and surface wind speed observed from Xingtai, Zhan
gjiakou and Lao ting, Hebei Province, from 1971-2006, the characteristics o
variation of wind speeds at altitudes of 10m (surface), 300m, 600m and 900m are
analyzed. The similarities and differences of wind speed changes between the dif
ferent altitudes of boundary layer are compared. Results indicate that annual an
d seasonal mean wind speeds of the three stations all increase with height; The
maximum wind speed vertical increasing rate appears between 10m and 300m; Monthl
y mean wind speeds at different altitudes for each station have the obvious char
cteristics of seasonal variation, with the largest wind speed occurring in sprin
gtime, and the smallest one in summertime; Surface annual and seasonal mean wind
speeds for the 3 station average undergo a significant decreasing trend during
the past 36 years; Wind speeds at altitudes from 300m to 900m also see a decrea
sing trend generally, but the trend is mostly insignificant statistically. Combi
ned with the metadata of observational settings, it seems that the obvious diffe
rence of wind speed change between the different altitudes is attributable to th
e fast urbanization and the change of observational environment, which cause the
slowdown of surface wind speed at the three stations. However, the change in at
mospheric circulation might also contribute to the significant decrease of surfa
ce wind speed, because the wind speed at altitudes of 300m to 900m experiences t
he weakening trends during the same time period, in spite of the fact that the u
pper layer trends are generally insignificant.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
变化影响研究(LCS 2006 05)”和中国气象局气象新技术推广项目“观测环境和仪器变化
作者 | 单位 |
刘学锋 | 河北省气候中心, 石家庄 050021;中国气象局气候研究开放实验室 |
任国玉 | 中国气象局气候研究开放实验室 |
梁秀慧 | 河北省气候中心, 石家庄 050021 |
秦莉 | 河北省气候中心, 石家庄 050021 |
张成伟 | 河北省气候中心, 石家庄 050021 |
范增禄 | 河北省气候中心, 石家庄 050021 |
Liu Xuefeng1,2〓2〓1〓1〓,Ren Guoyu,Liang Xiuhui,Qin Li,Zhang Chengwei,Fan Zenglu,2009.The Characteristics of Wind Speed Variation at Different Altitudes of Boundary Layer in Hebei Province[J].Meteor Mon,35(7):46-53.
Liu Xuefeng1,2〓2〓1〓1〓,Ren Guoyu,Liang Xiuhui,Qin Li,Zhang Chengwei,Fan Zenglu,2009.The Characteristics of Wind Speed Variation at Different Altitudes of Boundary Layer in Hebei Province[J].Meteor Mon,35(7):46-53.