(1.解放军理工大学理学院, 南京 211101;2.解放军理工大学气象学院;3.南京大学大气科学系)
Numerical Simulation of the Evolvement of Potential Vorticity of Landfall Tropical Cyclone on Isentropic Surface
(1.Institute of Philosophy, PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Nanjing 211101;2.Institute of Meteorology, PLA Univ. of Sci.&Tech;3.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University)
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投稿时间:2008-08-01    修订日期:2008-12-02
中文摘要: 选取1997年第11号台风温妮为研究个例,通过中尺度模式MM5模拟再现了该台 风登陆后经历初期减弱、变性及变性后再次发展的演变过程。引入Ertel等熵面位涡收支方 程,深入分析了登陆台风结构演变的过程中绝热与非绝热作用对对流层低层位涡局地变化的 影响。研究表明:台风温妮深入内陆的过程中,对流层低层台风中心西北侧位涡增长, 且大值中心不再与台风中心重合;由于摩擦和非绝热加热的存在,对流层低层位涡不守恒, 其局地变化主要决定于位涡的水平平流(守恒项)、位涡的垂直平流、加热的垂直微分(非 守恒项)的分布;台风温妮变性前后,对流层低层位涡的守恒性逐渐减弱,非守恒 项尤其是加热的垂直微分对位涡的局地增长的正贡献不断增强直至占有主导地位。
中文关键词: 台风  变性  等熵面  位涡收支
Abstract:The maintenance process of typhoon Winnie (1997) after landfall was reappeared by using the MM5 model. The numerical simulations cover the entire process inclu ding initial weakening, extratropical transition and redeveloping. The adiabatic and diabatic effect on the local change of potential vorticity (PV) at lower tr oposphere was analyzed, during the entire process using Ertel potential vorticit y budget equation on isentropic surface. The results show that the PV increases in the west and north of tropical cyclone at lower troposphere and the location of core is not the same to the typhoon. Because of the existence of friction a nd diabatic heating, the PV changed at lower troposphere. The local change is mainly decided by the horizontal advection ofPV (conservation term), vertical advection of PV, vertical differential of heati ng (non conservation terms). With the happening of extratropical transition, th e PV at lower troposphere changed further and the positive effect of diabatic te rms especially vertical differential of heating on the local increase of PV domi nated.
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Ji Liang,Fei Jianfang,2009.Numerical Simulation of the Evolvement of Potential Vorticity of Landfall Tropical Cyclone on Isentropic Surface [J].Meteor Mon,35(3):66-72.