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投稿时间:2008-03-18 修订日期:2008-08-18
投稿时间:2008-03-18 修订日期:2008-08-18
中文摘要: 为弄清主要农业气候要素和农业气候年型变化规律和特征。基于多站点气候资料,对表征云
Abstract:The features of changes for agro climatic elements and agro climatic m
atching types in Yunnan were investigated. On the basis of historical climatic d
ata from observed stations, orthogonal expansion method was used to extract stap
le components from 17 climatic factors for three periods amid anniversary denoti
ng local agro climatic features. And hierarchical cluster method was employed t
o divide agro climatic matching classes of Yunnan. As the results of this resea
rch, the principal changes of agro climatic elements and annual agro climatic
types were summarized by 7 principal components independent of each other and 6
annual agro climatic types.
The research shows that there was a trend of climate warming during the principa
l season of Yunnan agriculture among the recent 54 years and it has been reinfor
ced since 1990s. On the other hand, the annual changes of precipitation and suns
hine duration were more conspicuous than airtemperature; the amplitude of sunshine duration was at least equivalent to one
of precipitation; the drought strength in spring was decreasing; successive rain
ing and shortened sunshine duration have an aggravated trend. With the reinforce
ment of climate warming since 1995, the precipitation in summer has a decreasing
trend whilst the amplitude of sunshine duration is large. From 1954-2007, only
the minority of years has the agro climatic type analogous to their previous ye
ars. Moreover, there are only 2 agro climatic types mainly affecting Yunnan reg
ion since 1995. And the dominating agro climatic type arisen since the end of l
ast century did not occur in 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, which has distinctive clima
tic traits. The effects of these climate changes on agriculture in Yunnan are wo
rth paying close attention. This research is very helpful to evaluating climatic
influence, predicting agricultural production and undertaking meteorological se
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Huang Zhongyan | Yunnan Climate Center, Kunming 650034 |
Zhu Yong | Yunnan Climate Center, Kunming 650034 |
Huang Zhongyan,Zhu Yong,2009.Research on Staple Agro climate Changes for Recent 54 Years in Yunnan[J].Meteor Mon,35(2):111-118.
Huang Zhongyan,Zhu Yong,2009.Research on Staple Agro climate Changes for Recent 54 Years in Yunnan[J].Meteor Mon,35(2):111-118.