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投稿时间:2008-03-25 修订日期:2008-12-20
投稿时间:2008-03-25 修订日期:2008-12-20
中文摘要: 为了研究北京城市浓雾生成机理以及雾水的污染情况,2006年12月11—12日,在北京南郊 北京市观象台(39°56′ N、116°17′ E)对水平能见度在100m以内的浓雾进行了观测, 并分析了这次浓雾形成的天气条件,对所采集的雾水进行了离子组分分析。结果显示:这是 一次平流辐射雾,雾层厚约150m,能见度小于100m;在高空槽前、稳定边界层中,近地面正 相对涡度区内有气流辐合和暖湿平流,日落之后地面降温迅速,有利于雾的生成;地面偏南 风配合近地层暖平流,有利于增加雾的浓度;浓雾的形成发展时段内伴随着大气五级重污染 事件。与1999年北京的雾水采样比较:pH值上升,电导率下降,阴离子浓度普遍下降,阳离 子浓度有所上升。研究表明,近年来北京城市所采取的治理措施,减轻了浓雾及其雾水中的 污染。
Abstract:In order to study the formation mechanism of urban heavy fog and the pollution o f fog water, an observation of a heavy fog with the visibility of 100m during 1 1-12 Dec, 2006 was made in Beijing Observatory located in the south suburb (39° 56′N,116°17′E). The synoptic system and fog water ionic species concentrati on was analyzed in the work. The results demonstrated that the observed fog proc ess was an advection radiation fog with a deep layer of more than 150 meters and a low visibility of less than 100 meters. In the front of upper t rough there exits a stable boundary layer, accompanying with convergence and wa rm moist advection in the surface positive relative vorticity area. The surface temperature decreased rapidly after sunset, which is favorable for the fog f ormation. The south oriented wind and warm advection layer on the ground result in an increase of fog concentration. The formation and increase of heavy fog acc ompany with the air pollution index Ⅴ(APIⅤ) increasing. Compared with Beijing' s fog water sample of 1999, the pH rises, electric conductivity rate descents, t he anion’s concentration generally decreased and the cation concentration incre ased. Investigation shows that the pollution of heavy fog and fog water of Beij ing has been reduced through efficient control.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Jiang Yuhua,Wang Qiang,Wang Zhengxing,Xu Xiaobin,2009.On the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Character of an Advection Radiation Fog Pro cess and the Ionic Species Concentration of Fog Water [J].Meteor Mon,35(2):19-28.
Jiang Yuhua,Wang Qiang,Wang Zhengxing,Xu Xiaobin,2009.On the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Character of an Advection Radiation Fog Pro cess and the Ionic Species Concentration of Fog Water [J].Meteor Mon,35(2):19-28.