(1.新疆气象科技服务中心,乌鲁木齐 830002;2.准东电业局)
Relationship of Power Load and Weather in Agricultural Region of Xingjiang
(1.Xinjiang Meteorological & Scientific and Technological Service Center, Urumqi 830002;2.Zhundong Power Supply Bureau)
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投稿时间:2008-03-14    修订日期:2008-09-25
中文摘要: 用2005—2006年新疆农业区电力负荷与气象资料,统计得出电力负荷的年、季变化与农事活 动周期相符,电力负荷日变化的次高峰与日最高气温、最小相对湿度出现时间较一致。将逐 月的日平均电力负荷及变化量分别与气压、气温、空气湿度、风速和降水量做相关分析,并 将有无降雨日分段统计。结果表明,电力负荷与降水量、湿度和气温的变化关系较为密切。 利用逐步回归方程将4种不同模式模拟的电力负荷进行了误差分析,发现要素差值模式的模 拟效果较好,并对2007年5月的电力负荷进行了预测检验及误差分析,得出:在降雨日,用 上一日
Abstract:Based on power load information and weather data from 2005 to 2006, it is conclu ded that the annual and seasonal variations of power load in agricultural region correspond statistically to the cycle of agricultural activity. The time of sec ond peak power load of daily variation is consistent with the peak of daily ma ximum temperature and minimum air humidity. Relationship is analyzed not only be tween daily average power load and atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, but variation of power load and meteorological element as w ell. Rainy day and clear days are counted in sections. The results show that var iations of precipitation, air humidity, temperature have better correlation with the power load. Four different models are established to simulate fluctuation o f power load by using stepwise regression equation. The better simulated result is element-difference model after error analysis, so the forecast of power load fluctuation is tested and error is analyzed in May of 2007. The result is t hat?in rainy day the error in?common power load forecast method error is 63.2% , but the forecast error in the element-difference model is 18.7%. In addition t he monthly average forecast error of power load for the common power load foreca st model and the element-difference model are 26.0% and 13.4%, respectively.
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Yang Jing,Hao Yi,Chen Dongmei,Jiang Bo,2009.Relationship of Power Load and Weather in Agricultural Region of Xingjiang[J].Meteor Mon,35(1):114-118.