(广东省深圳市气象局, 518040)
Analysis on Micro Scale Horizontal Gradient of Meteorological Elements in Disastrous Weather Cases
(Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory, Guangdong Province 518040)
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投稿时间:2008-01-06    修订日期:2008-05-03
中文摘要: 利用深圳机场跑道两端气象观测资料,统计了气象要素年平均小尺度水平梯度变化,并选择 4个典型灾害性天气过程,分析不同天气条件下水平梯度变化的特征。两站气象观测记录的 年平均值在探测精度范围内是相等的,标准差、偏度系数、峰度系数等的变化一致。年平均 水平气压梯度为0.0064hPa/km,温度年平均水平温度梯度为0.035℃/km,年平均水平风 速梯度1.1×10-4/s。 飑线过程中水平气压梯度可达年均值的170倍以上,水平温度 梯度最大0.6℃/km,风速最大相差8m/s,相当于5.3×10-3/s的水平风速梯度; 强对流过程中气象要素及其水平梯度变化与飑线过程的基本一致;连续暴雨过程可以出现0.15hP a/km水平气压梯度、0.5℃/km水平温度梯度以及90°的风向偏差等稳定持续10小时的现象 ;冷空气影响期间0.1hPa/km的水平气压梯度可以持续30小时以上。
Abstract:The data obtained at both ends of runway at Shenzhen airport is used to analyze the micro scale horizontal gradient variation, and four typical disastrous weath er cases were chosen to do the detail analysis. It was found that the annual mea n horizontal gradients of pressure, temperature and wind speed are 0.0064hPa/km, 0.035℃/km and 1.1×10-4/s, respectively. In the case of a squall, the l ongitudinal horizontal gradients of pressure, temperature and wind speed are 1.2 hPa/km, 0.035℃/km and 5.3×10-3/s, respectively and the minus horizontal gradient of temperature and relative humidity maintained over 45 minutes until the squall reached. In the case of thunderstorm the horizontal gradient of each element is similar to the case of squall, but no minus horizontal gradient of relative humidity occurred. In the case of continuous heavy rain, the 0.15hPa/km pressure gradient and 0.5℃ /km temperature gradient and 90° wind direction difference were maintained over 10 hours. When a cold air arrived, the temperature and pressure gradient would reverse, but relative humidity gradient would keep invariable, and the gradients would last until the end of process.
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Zhang Lei,Mao Xia,2008.Analysis on Micro Scale Horizontal Gradient of Meteorological Elements in Disastrous Weather Cases[J].Meteor Mon,34(10):12-19.