(1.中国气象局上海台风研究所, 200030;2.国家气象中心)
Mesoscale Ensemble Forecasts on “75.8" Heavy Rain in Henan
(1.Shanghai Typhoon Institute, CMA, 200030;2.National Meteorological Center)
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投稿时间:2007-12-27    修订日期:2008-03-25
中文摘要: 发生在河南的“75.8"特大暴雨是我国历史上影响最大、受灾程度最严重的一次灾害性天气 过程,其造成的人员伤亡与唐山地震相当,造成的经济损失近百亿元,我国气象学家对此展 开过大量的研究,其可预报性问题一直都受关注。尝试采用近年来在预报理论与实践中提出 的中尺度集合预报技术,以GRAPES中尺度有限区模式作为试验模式工具,针对此次过程展开 两组试验。试验1主要着眼于对暴雨有较大影响的积云对流参数化方案,分别从对流激发和 大尺度环境 场相互作用的角度出发,对其中一些经验性参数在合理取值范围内给予调整,使其在一定程 度上表征模式的不确定性,来构建集合成员。试验结果表明:对流参数化方案中不同的参数 对降水的影响作用各不相同,空间上对于降水落区的影响不是很大,但是对降 水强度的改善却很明显,集合平均对强暴雨中心的体现有积极作用,平均后的暴雨区最大降 水量预报为90mm/24h,比“确定性"预报(控制试验)值70mm/24h改善了约30%,最佳的单个 成员的暴雨区最大降水量预报值(120mm/24h)比控制试验预报(70mm/24h)提高了70%;时 间上看,不同的参数会影响到积云对流的激发,使得降水发生的时间有所不同,进而影响后 续降水的发展。试验2利用模式不同分辨率和不同物理参数化方案的组合来构造集合成员, 进行中尺度集合预报试验,试验结果表明:简单的集合平均能在一定程度上改善降水强度, 与高分辨率模式预报结果比较,暴雨中心降水量约提高了20%~30%。可见:集合预报能在 一定程度上减弱模式不确定性的影响;对流参数化方案和经验性参数的差异、模式分辨 率的差异确实对模拟结果有一定的影响。
Abstract:“75.8" heavy rain is a disaster, which caused a large loss to the soci ety. Many meteorologists have done a lot of research works of this event, and pa id much attention to the predictability.“75.8"heavy rain in Henan Province was particularly chosen for the study of the meso scale ensemble forecast. Two experiments were implemented. The first one especially focused on the relati ons between cumulus convective parameterizations and the heavy rain. For this pu rpose, the Kain Fristch ETA scheme was chosen. The interaction between the trig g er function and the mass flux calculations in large scale environment was taken into consideration. Some empirical factors have been perturbed in a reasonable r ange to construct the ensemble members to describe the uncertainty of model. The results indicate that different factors in cumulus convective parameterization have different impacts on the precipitation. The location of the rainfall is les s influenced by different factors, but the intensity of the heavy rain is improv ed, the precipitation forecasted by ensemble mean increased by 30%. Meanwhile, d ifferent factors would have different impacts on the time when the convection ha ppens, the rainy duration as well as the development of convection. The second e xperiment adopted different resolution of model and multi parameterization to f o rm ensemble members. The results prove that the ensemble mean would improve the intensity forecast to some extent. Compared with the results coming from model w ith high resolution, the precipitation forecasted by ensemble increases by 20%-3 0%. Ensemble forecast would decrease the uncertainties from the model itself. Th e differences among various cumulus convective parameterizations, empirical fact ors and model resolutions indeed have a certain impacts on the simulated results of model.
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Tan Yan,Chen Dehui,2008.Mesoscale Ensemble Forecasts on “75.8" Heavy Rain in Henan[J].Meteor Mon,34(9):10-21.