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投稿时间:2007-06-12 修订日期:2008-01-10
投稿时间:2007-06-12 修订日期:2008-01-10
中文摘要: 在T213L31数值模式产品释用基础上,设计计算并选用模式大气中分别与降水、地面气温和
风场有天气学意义的线性化预报因子,采用Kalman滤波和相似 Kalman滤波,在湖北省
的评分水平。从而表明,相似 Kalman滤波在一定程度上消去单纯Kalman滤波“预报滞后”
效应,并实现用Kalman滤波或相似 Kalman滤波做定性、定量降水MOS预报,和做地面气温和风场MOS预报,且用了实时历史样本雨/晴预报准确率,当作有/无降水发生概率。
中文关键词: 降水 气温 风 MOS预报 相似 Kalman 滤波
Abstract:Based on the explanation and application of T213L31 numerical forecast model pro
ducts, an operational MOS prediction system and a set of real time statistical
prediction equations are established for stations of Hubei province. The system
firstly adopted Kalman Filter and Analogue Kalman Filter, and the equations sel
ected several linear predictors that are relative to the model outputs, such as
precipitation, surface air temperature and wind fields. This MOS system can for
ecast above meteorological elements quantitatively in the form of fixed point (e
very county), fixed time (every six hours). The experiments show that the MOS sy
stem has good stability and excellent forecast scores in the testing period in J
une August from 2005 to 2006.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
辜旭赞 | 中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所, 430074 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
Gu Xuzan | Wuhan Institute of Heavy Rain, CMA, 430074 |
Gu Xuzan,2008.A MOS Prediction System of Precipitation, Surface Air Temperature and Wind in Hubei Province[J].Meteor Mon,34(2):43-51.
Gu Xuzan,2008.A MOS Prediction System of Precipitation, Surface Air Temperature and Wind in Hubei Province[J].Meteor Mon,34(2):43-51.