(安徽省人工影响天气办公室,合肥 230061)
Contrast Analysis on Echo Characteristics of Summer Seeded Cumulus Clouds
(Anhui Weather Modification Office,Hefei 230061)
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投稿时间:2006-12-01    修订日期:2007-10-08
中文摘要: 对“江淮地区对流云人工增雨外场试验”中3次催化作 业过程,催化云和对比云新一代天气雷达回波特征的对比分析结果表明:催化云的平均维 持时间比对比云长51.2%,平均回波面积比对比云多17%,催化云每个体扫的平均总液态含 水量要高于对比云,整个维持时间的总液态含水量高出对比云46%。从而认为:催化作业可 以达到增加回波面积,延长回波的持续时间,增加云中液态含水量的目的。并且,从其中一 组对比中发现,对流云催化作业要掌握好催化时机,对于处在减弱期的对流云,催化作业达 不到增加含水量、延长生命期的目的。
Abstract:Based upon 3 pairs of cumulus in the Jiang huai area cumulus cloud see ding experiment,a contrast anal ysis of echo characteristics of CINRAD between the target cloud and the referenc e cloud was performed.It was found that the average lasted time of the target c loud was 51.2% longer than that of the reference cloud and the average echo area of the target cloud was 17% larger than that of the reference.And the average water content of per volumn scanning of the target cloud was larger than that of the reference, with a difference of 46% between the target cloud and the refere nce in the whole life time of clouds. It concluded that the seeded could increa se the area of echo, prolong the lasting time of the echo, and increase the wate r content of clouds in its whole life.Besides, from one pair of cumulus, it was found that the time of seeding was rather important for convective cloud. If the convective cloud is situated in its weakening phase, seeding coul d not increase the water content and couldn't prolong its life as well.
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Yuan Ye,Feng Jingyi,Jiang Nianchong,Wu Wangyi,2008.Contrast Analysis on Echo Characteristics of Summer Seeded Cumulus Clouds[J].Meteor Mon,34(1):41-47.