(山西省气象台, 太原 030006)
Analysis of a Snow Storm Caused by Reflux and Invert Trough
(Shanxi Meteorological Observatory, Taiyuan 030006)
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投稿时间:2007-08-01    修订日期:2007-09-08
中文摘要: 对2006年1月18—19日山西持续暴雪天气进行了分析,发现这次暴雪过程不同于以往:(1) 高空极涡稳定,强度较强,极锋位置偏北,沿极涡外围极锋锋区上分裂的短波小槽,与南支 槽同相叠置,使得南支槽发展加深,暴雪发生在此期间。(2)地面图上,不仅形成回流形 势,而且河套倒槽向北发展旺盛,倒槽前的暖湿空气与东南气流相遇,两支气流耦合加强, 与北方冷空气在山西中南部强烈交汇,使得山西中南部出现了暴雪天气,这种回流形势与倒 槽同时强烈发展的情况并不多见。(3)深厚的湿层和强烈的水汽辐合为暴雪的产生提供了 充足的水
中文关键词: 暴雪  回流  倒槽  急流耦合  动力机制
Abstract:A successive snow storm appeared on January 18 to 19, 2006 is analyzed. It shows that this case is different from the samples in the past:(1)The pol ar vortex at high level is stable and its intensity is large, polar front locate d at more north than the normal. The short wave trough split from the polar fron t overlapped with the south trough and made it develop and deepen. At that time, the snow storm occurred. (2) On the surface, reflux in the southeast and invert trough near the Hetao area jointed together and met with cold air from the nort h and caused the snow storm. (3)The deep moisture layer and the strong water vapor convergence together offered plentiful water for the snow storm. The center of the snow storm located at the south of two water vapor flux axes at low and mid level separately. (4) The vertical allocation of the divergence at upper and convergence at low level,the strong ascending motion and dew point front continually lifting action triggered greatl y convective and uns table energy to release at the mid level and it is an important mechanism of ca u sing successive snow storm. But LLJ and super LLJ can not only offer source of water vapor and transportation of energy but also make gravity wave develop unst ably, and that i s another important triggering mechanism of snow storm. (5) The snow storm appe ared at the right and before maximal advection center of the vortex at 500hPa. A fte r 12 hours, the intensity of the positive vortex advection center increased r apidly when there is an increasing rainfall.
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Zhao Guixiang,2007.Analysis of a Snow Storm Caused by Reflux and Invert Trough[J].Meteor Mon,33(11):41-48.