(国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081)
A Study on a Heavy Fog Process after Snowfall in the Beginning of 2007
(National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2007-03-12    修订日期:2007-07-26
中文摘要: 大雾天气是主要的灾害性天气之一。利用多种观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,分析了2007年1 月1~5日华北和黄淮地区的雪后大雾天气产生的天气背景及其形成的温湿条件和层结特征。 结果表明:在这次大雾天气发生时,亚欧大陆中高纬度的环流形势为两槽一脊型,中纬度无 明显冷空气活动,南支气流较为平直,天气形势比较稳定。华北和黄淮地区位于入海高压的 后部,近地面层有弱的东北风或偏东风,即有利于海洋上暖湿气流的平流输送,又不至于破 坏大雾形成的温湿条件。同时,大气层结是绝对稳定的,低层有深厚的逆温层,当暖湿空气 平流到温度较低的下垫面上时冷却而形成雾,因而这次大雾天气属于典型的平流雾。这种形 势的稳定维持,造成了这次持续时间较长的大范围的大雾天气。另外,华北和黄淮较低的海 拔高度,有利于暖湿空气的平流进入,也是大雾形成的重要因子。
中文关键词: 大雾  卫星云图  平流
Abstract:Heavy fog is one of the main disaster weather. From January 1 to 5,2007, a heavy fog formed over north China plain. Multiple data was used to analyses the weat her background, including temperature and humidity condition and the stratificat ion of atmosphere. The results showed that during the days of heavy fog, the syn optic situation was stable. There was no cold air outburst. The circulation situ ation of the middle and high levels in Asia and Europe was one ridge two troughs circulation pattern, and the south branch air flow was straight. North China pla in was situated at the rear of high pressure moving to the sea and there was wea k wind blowing from northeast or east. The weak wind was not only favorable to t he advection transfer of the moist and warm air, but also didn't destroy the for mation conditions of heavy fog. At the same time, the stratification of atmosphe re was absolutely stable and there was a deep inversion layer. When the moist an d warm air advected onto this cold ground, they was cooling down and forming hea vy fog. So this fog belonged to advection cooling fog. The heavy fog lasted 5 da ys because of the maintenance of the stable synoptic situation and the air advec tion. In addition, the low sea level elevation of North China plain was another important reason of the formation of heavy fog because it was favorable to the a dvection.
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Cao Zhiqiang,Fang Xiang,Wu Xiaojing,Li Xiaolong,2007.A Study on a Heavy Fog Process after Snowfall in the Beginning of 2007[J].Meteor Mon,33(9):52-58.