2006年大兴安岭特大森林火灾防 扑火关键期转折性降水特征
(内蒙古气象台,呼和浩特 010051)
Transition Precipitation Analysis During Defend against the Great Xing’an Mountain Forest Conflagration in Inner Mongolia
(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Meteorological Observatory, Huhhot 010051)
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投稿时间:2007-01-23    修订日期:2007-06-18
中文摘要: 应用观测资料、云图产品、T213数值预报产品资料,对2006年春季内蒙古“5·25 ”特大森林火灾防扑火关键期转折性降水的特点和成因进行了诊断分析。分析表明,火场区域的呼伦贝 尔市气温偏高3~4℃、降水偏少90%~100%。防扑火关键期降水的水汽主要来源于孟加拉湾 及我国低纬地区,700hPa水汽通量中心值达19.7g·s-1·cm-1·hPa-1,同时低层我国江淮流域存在偏东气流携带的水汽补充。正涡度平流的输送使火场区域东风切变维持加强,在火场区域存在一个垂直速度上升区,中心值达-15.6×10-3hPa· s-1,散度场的垂直分布具有较好的抽吸效应,高层辐散对降水区域的引导作用明 显。火场区域的热力因素使这一区域的降雨量加大。结果表明,异常的大气环流导致火场区 域前期高温、干旱;防扑火关键期转折性降水的主要条件是长距离的水汽输送;在防扑火关 键期的降水过程中,动力作用是十分显著的。
中文关键词: 森林火灾  气候因素  转折性降水  水汽
Abstract:By using basic data, nephanalysis and T213 numerical prediction products, transi tion precipitation was diagnosed and analyzed during key period of defend agains t puff the “5·25” big forest fire in 2006. The study shows that the air tempe rature in fire region of Hulun Buir City is about 3~4 degrees higher than the no rmal. The precipitation is 90%~100% less than the surrounding area. The vapor re source during defend against puff fire is mainly from the Bay of Bengal and low latitude areas of China. The vapor flux value at 700hpa is 19.7g·s-1·cm-1·hPa-1. At the same time, moisture was added in low level of Jianghuai Valley. The transport of positive vortex advection maintains and strengthens the east wind she ar in fire region. There is an increased vertical velocity zone in this area. Th e value is -15.6×10-3hPa·s-1.The vertical distribution of diverge nce field has good suction effect. The guide role of divergence at high level for precipita tion is obvious. Thermodynamic factors increase the precipitation in fire area . Results indicate that abnormal atmospheric circulation results in high tempera ture and drought at the earlier stage of fire. The long distance transport of va por is the most important factor for the transition precipitation. The dynamic r ole is notable during key period of defend against puff the “5·25” big fo rest fire.
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韩经纬,吴学宏,宋桂英,2007.2006年大兴安岭特大森林火灾防 扑火关键期转折性降水特征[J].气象,33(8):52-59.
Han Jingwei,Wu Xuehong,Song Guiying,2007.Transition Precipitation Analysis During Defend against the Great Xing’an Mountain Forest Conflagration in Inner Mongolia[J].Meteor Mon,33(8):52-59.