(山东省气象台,济南 250031)
Analysis of the Special“人”Character Structure of a Strong Sea Breeze Event near Qingdao Coast
(Shandong Provincial Meteorological Observatory, Jinan 250031)
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投稿时间:2007-03-12    修订日期:2007-06-27
中文摘要: 利用2006年8月青岛奥帆测试赛期间的地面中尺度自动气象站、海岛站、浮标站、多普勒雷 达以及风云2C卫星资料,对发生在2006年8月23日的一次强海风过程进行了分析。结果发现 ,青岛沿海有多支海风。东部沿海的海风锋为东北—西南向,胶州湾附近的海风锋为圆弧形 。青岛东部沿海的海风锋向西推进,与胶州湾周围的海风锋叠加,使海风加强,在多普勒雷 达上表现为特有的“人”字形结构:北段为东北—西南向的边界,南段为圆弧形。发展强盛 的东南海风环流在垂直方向比较浅薄,主要位于1.5km高度以下。由于受高空云系的影响, 海风锋在风云2C静止卫星云图上的结构较难分辨。
Abstract:Using the automatic weather stations, island stations, buoys,Doppler radar data and FY-2C satellite image around Qingdao Olympic sailing spots, a strong sea breeze event during 2006 sailing test period is analyzed. Results show that ther e are several sea breezes near Qingdao. The sea breeze front in the eastern part is from NE to SE, while the sea breeze front near the Jiaozhou Bay in the west is circle. The strong sea breeze front in the eastern part pushes inland and me ets the sea breeze near the Jiaozhou Bay, where the sea breeze develops signif icantly and has a special structure like “人" character as displayed in Doppler radar image. The northern part is the boundary from NE to SW and the southern pa rt is half circle. The sea breeze is very shal low in the vertical direction below the height of 1.5 km. It is difficult to identify the sea breeze front from the FY-2C cloud image due to the obstacle of alt ostratus fractus.
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Sheng Chunyan,Chen Youkuan,2007.Analysis of the Special“人”Character Structure of a Strong Sea Breeze Event near Qingdao Coast[J].Meteor Mon,33(8):35-39.