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2005年11月哈密暴雪天气 过程的诊断分析
(1.国家气象中心,北京 100081;2.新疆自治区哈密地区气象局)
Diagnostic Analysis of a Snowstorm Event in South Hami in November 2005
(1.National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;2.Hami Meteorological Off ice, Xinjiang)
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投稿时间:2006-12-09    修订日期:2007-04-16
中文摘要: 2005年11月18日凌晨至20日,哈密出现罕见暴雪天气过程,此次降雪强度大,范围 集中,南部大,北部小。利用NCEP 1°×1°的6小时分析资料和非常规观测资料,对此次哈 密地区的暴雪天气过程的环流背景、影响天气系统进行了动力和热力的诊断分析,并利用 Q矢量及螺旋度方法作了天气动力学诊断分析。结果表明:(1) 新疆西部高压脊东移发 展,引导萨彦岭低涡东移南压,移入哈密地区,造成哈密暴雪天气。(2) 萨彦岭低涡是 一较深厚系统,是低层辐合高层辐散的垂直上升气旋性涡柱,为暴雪发生提供了有利的动力 机制。(3) 冷暖平流交汇,增强了斜压性,有助于低涡的发展加强。冷平流对锋生起到 重要作用。(4)Q矢量辐合区及螺旋度正值区与低涡有较好的对应关系,对哈密降雪 的预报有一定的指示作用。
中文关键词: 暴雪  诊断分析  Q矢量  螺旋度
Abstract:The weather process of the snowstorm happened in Hami Xinjiang during 1 8—20 November 2005 and the snow was heavier in the south than that in the north. Based o n NCEP 1°×1° 6h interval reanalyzed data and the non conventional data, dyna mic and thermodynamic diagnoses of the snowstorm caused by the vortex are discuss ed. And the methods of the Q vector and the helicity are also used to the fu rther analysis. The results are as follows: (1) With the development and eastward mo vement of the ridge in the west of Xinjiang, the vortex in Sayangling moved into Hami area and caused the snowstorm. (2) This Sayanling vortex was a deep er and cyclonic system with upward motion. There was a convergence in the low leve ls and a divergence in the high levels. (3) The obvious temperature advection an d temperature gradient can be revealed, so the baroclinicity was favorable to th e intensification and development of the vortex. (4) The convergence area of the Q vector and the positive helicity area were consistent with the vortex, wh ich can be used as an indicator in forecasting the snow in Hami.
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基金项目:科技部“科研院所社会公益研究专项课题”:不利气象条件对公路安 全影响机理及对策研究项目(2004DIB3J100)
阿衣夏木·尼亚孜,孔期,杨贵名,2007.2005年11月哈密暴雪天气 过程的诊断分析[J].气象,33(6):67-74.
Ayi Xiamu,Kong Qi,Yang Guiming,2007.Diagnostic Analysis of a Snowstorm Event in South Hami in November 2005[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):67-74.