Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Summer Strong Urban Heat Island in Beijing
(1.LAPC, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029;2.Shenzhen Meteorological Office, Guangdong Province;3.Beijing Climate Center, Beijing Meteorological Bureau)
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投稿时间:2006-08-08    修订日期:2007-03-27
中文摘要: 应用北京地区20个常规地面气象站、2个自动气象站和中国科学院大气物理研究 所325m气象铁塔的资料,对北京2003年7月热岛状况进行了统计分析,发现北京夏季夜间存在强 热岛效应,夏季夜间存在强热岛效应的天数占到了1/3,强弱热岛天数合计占到了大约4/5。进 一步分析7月1日强热岛特征及其气象影响因子,结果表明:夜间存在强热岛时,郊区所有测 站的地面气温都要低于主城区地面气温,城市强热岛的高温中心在天安门和白家庄连线的主 城区;白天日照充足的晴夜,日落后城区320m以下低层大气存在逆温和弱的风速,城区地面 气温下降速率和幅度均远小于郊区,城市强热岛因此得以形成和维持。日出后至正午,北京 北部郊区日照时间比城区长,郊区地面大气得到来自太阳辐射的能量多于城区,而太阳辐射 的加热作用使城区低层大气逆温消失,大气稳定度减弱,并使郊区地面气温上升速率和幅度 大于城区,最终导致夜间出现的强热岛减弱、消失。此外,应用MM5模式对强热岛进行了初 步数值模拟研究,发现在MM5中考虑城市人为热和热储存,可以改善模式对热岛的数值模拟 ,表明城市人为热和热储存在夏季强热岛的形成中有重要作用。
中文关键词: 城市热岛  逆温  弱风  人为热  热储存  数值模拟  MM5
Abstract:Based on the data of 20 meteorological stations and two automatic stat ions and the data of 325m meteorological tower of IAP, characteristics of Beijin g urban heat islands (UHI) in July,2003 are analyzed. The results show that str ong urban heat islands occur in the night in July overBeijing under some specif ic weather conditions. The days with strong urban heat islands occupy about 1/3 of the total days. In addition, the characteristics and influencing factors of a strong urban heat island are analyzed in details. Results show that the UHI c enter lies over the urban area surrounding Tiananmen, Baijiazhuang, and the stro ng UHI occurs in the clear sky night with strong sunlight in the daytime. The weak wind and the temperature inversion are very important to the formation and maint enance of a strong UHI. But in the next daytime, the temperature inversion disap peared, and the amount of sunlight in northern suburb is more than that in the u rban area, which makes the surface temperature of suburban atmosphere rise faste r and higher than that of the urban surface atmosphere, and the intensity of UHI weaker. In addition, the strong urban heat island was simulated with MM5. And t he results show that when only the physical properties such as the roughness of the underlying surface were considered in MM5, simulated the urban surface tempe rature and the intensity of UHI don't accord with the observational data. Howeve r when the anthropogenic heat and urban heat storage are taken into account, the numeric simulation of UHI could be improved effectively. The anthropogenic heat and urban heat storage play very important role in the formation of the strong UHI in the night. 
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Li Xingrong,Hu Fei,Shu Wenjun,2007.Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Summer Strong Urban Heat Island in Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):25-31.