(安徽省气象台,合肥 230031)
Vapor Investigation of a Heavy Rainfall Event in the Huaihe River Basin in 2005
(Anhui Observatory, Hefei 230031)
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投稿时间:2006-06-27    修订日期:2006-12-14
中文摘要: 通过对水汽通量向量的势函数和流函数分解以及水汽方程的诊断计算,分析了2005年7月4— 11日淮河流域强降水过程水汽收支情况。结果表明,此次强降水过程主要水汽来源于菲律宾 经南海向北转向流入我国中东部地区的较强盛的水汽输送带。这条水汽输送带由两部分组成 :起重要作用的是强中心位于太平洋上,沿热带赤道以南地区一致向西到达菲律宾的水汽流 ,另一部分是沿赤道南侧的东风气流,在非洲东岸索马里附近越赤道向东北方向经孟加拉湾 北部到达菲律宾的水汽流;水汽汇合区内,淮河流域附近存在东南与西北水汽汇集辐合,这 可能是造成
中文关键词: 强降水过程  势函数  流函数  水汽收支
Abstract:The stream function and potential function of water vapor transport vector dur ing a heavy rainfall in the Huaihe River valley in the summer of 2005 is studied and the averaged water vapor budget is computed and diagnosed during the event period. The results indicate that the main water vapor source of the event is the strong vapour transportation band coming from Philippinesand across South China Sea and arriving to the middle east China. This strong vapor tran sportation was composed of two branches. The first one was from Pacific vapor tr ansport center and it moved westward along the south region of equator. The othe r one was coming from the easterly trade wind in the southern hemisphere which got across the equator at Africa's Somalia peninsula and then arrived to the nor th of Bangal Gulf, and finally reaching to Philippines. The area of severe vapor transport vector converge corresponds with the area of the heavy rainfall. The total water vapor budget corresponds with the average rainfall, the average rain fall increases with the increasing total water vapor converge. On the other hand , the water vapor vertical transport at low level corresponds well with the avera ge area rainfall.
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基金项目:中国气象局气象新技术推广项目(编号:CMATG2005M34)和安徽省气象局 《灰色预测模型在淮河流域面雨量预报中的应用》课题共同资助
Chen Xiaohong,Yu Jinlong,Qiu Xuexing,Zhang Jiao,2007.Vapor Investigation of a Heavy Rainfall Event in the Huaihe River Basin in 2005[J].Meteor Mon,33(4):47-52.