(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Study on the Meteorologically driven Ecological Monitoring and Assessment of High Temperature and Drought of Sichuan Chongqing Area in Summer 2006
(National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2006-09-11    修订日期:2007-01-12
中文摘要: 为了客观定量地监测与评估2006年夏季发生在我国川渝地区历史罕见的高温干旱 对生态环境造成的影响,利用所创建的基于植被第一性生产力(NPP)估算的生态气象评价指 数(EMI)模型,计算分析了6—8月川渝地区的生态气象评价指数及其等级。结果表明,川 渝地区生态气象评价指数较常年同期偏低,其中四川33%、重庆43%的地区生态气象等级较差 或很差。两地6月与8月生态气象等级较差的范围大,7月较小。各生态系统中,城镇等生态 气象等级很差;农田、草灌等明显偏差;林地生态气象等级正常稍差。干旱造成的生态影响 多数是可逆的,气象条件得到改善后可以恢复。因此,应采取适当措施恢复各类生态系统的 服务功能,把灾害带来的损失降到最低。
中文关键词: 高温干旱  生态系统  监测评估
Abstract:In order to monitor and evaluate objectively the impact of rare high t emperature and drought on meteorologically driven ecological environment occurr ing in Sichuan Chongqing area in summer 2006.The meteorologically driven ecolo gical assessment index (EMI) model which was established based on the estimate o f the net primary productivity (NPP) was used to calculate the EMI and its rank . The results show that the ecological and meteorological conditions were worse than the perennial summer in the region of Sichuan and Chongqing, and the EMI ra nk was worse or very worse in 33% areas of Sichuan Province and 43% areas of Cho ngqing City. The worse area of EMI of Sichuan and Chongqing in June and August w a s larger than that in July. In different ecosystems, the EMI of city and town wa s very worse, and the EMI of cropland and grass and shrub land was obviously wo rse, but the EMI of woodland was nearly normal. The ecological effect of drought is reversible, and it can be restored after the weather condition improved the ecosystems service function. Therefore the effective measures should be adopted to restore the ecosystem service functions and to decrease greatly the various o f the loss.
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基金项目:资助项目:本研究得到中国气象局2006年新技术推广项目“中国北方草地生态气象监测预 测(CMATG2006M01)”和国家气象中心项目“生态气象业务技术应用研究”的资助。
Mao Liuxi,Qian Shuan,Hou Yingyu,Li Chaosheng,2007.Study on the Meteorologically driven Ecological Monitoring and Assessment of High Temperature and Drought of Sichuan Chongqing Area in Summer 2006[J].Meteor Mon,33(3):83-88.