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(1.南京大学大气科学系,南京 210093;2.中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所;3.黑龙江省嫩江县气象局)
Evolution Characteristics of Vapor over Wuhan in Meiyu Period in 2004 and Its Relationship with Heavy Rainfall
(1.Department of Atmosphere Science, Nanjing University, 210093;2.Instituteof Heavy Rain, CMA, Wuhan;3.Nenjiang Meteorological Office,Heilongjiang Province)
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投稿时间:2006-05-26    修订日期:2006-12-25
中文摘要: 利用2004年6—7月武汉每天两个时次探空资料计算出的可降水量以及各层的比湿和相对湿度 ,对比分析各种水汽量的垂直分布以及逐日演变特征,探讨了2004年梅雨期武汉上空水汽 的演变及其与暴雨的关系。结果表明,武汉上空大气中水汽含量随高度递减,90%以上的水 汽集中在700hPa 以下;7月的水汽含量高于6月;武汉上空出现整层比湿增长或中高层比湿 增长可导致整层相对湿度明显增长,而且增长的幅度随高度递增;在暴雨分析预报中,分析 中高层水汽演变好于分析低层水汽演变;采用整层平均相对湿度和可降水量结合分析整层水 汽演变以及将中高层平均的比湿和相对湿度结合分析中高层水汽演变时,对暴雨预报均有很 好的指示意义。
中文关键词: 梅雨期  水汽  演变特征  暴雨
Abstract:Using Wuhan twice daily radiosounding data from June to July in 2004, the preci -pitable water, specific humidity and relative humidity are calculated. By contras ting and analyzing the characteristics of the vertical distribution and the dail y variation of those vapor parameters, the evolution characteristics of the vapo r over Wuhan in Meiyu period in 2004 and its relationship with heavy rainfall ar e discussed. The result shows that the vapor content in the air over Wuhan decreases with the height and 90 percent of vapor concentrates below 700hPa.The vapor content in July is more than that in June. The specific humidity increase in the whole layer or in the middle and upper level can lead to the evident in crease of the whole layer relative humidity over Wuhan, and the increasing degree inc reases with the height. In the course of analyzing and forecasting heavy rain, i t is better to analyze the vapor evolution in the middle and upper level than that in the low level. They are all very meaningful indicators for heavy rain f orecast to analyze the total layer vapor evolution combining the total layer mea n relative humidity with precipitable water, and to analyze the middle and upp er level vapor evolution combining average specific humi-dity with relative hu midity of the middle and upper level.
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基金项目:湖北省科技攻关计划“基于中尺度数值模式的暴雨分 析预报技术研究”科技部社会公益研究专项“我国南方致洪暴雨预测预警系统研究”
Li Wujie,Li Jun,Gong Ying,Wang Juan,2007.Evolution Characteristics of Vapor over Wuhan in Meiyu Period in 2004 and Its Relationship with Heavy Rainfall[J].Meteor Mon,33(2):3-9.