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投稿时间:2006-04-11 修订日期:2006-11-17
投稿时间:2006-04-11 修订日期:2006-11-17
中文摘要: AREM2.3模式2005年在中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所汛期试验过程中计算稳定,计算了该模式
考。分析结果表明: AREM2.3模式在2005年汛期试验期间48小时内预报稳定;对于长江中下
Abstract:The operation of AREM2.3 in Wuhan Institute of Heavy Rain, CMA, in the flood
season of 2005 is steady. The TS scores of the precipitation forecast are calcul
ated in various areas, such as, the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang R
iver, South China, North China, Northeast China, Southwest China and Hubei Provi
nce in flood season (June, July and August). The fail rate, false rate, predicti
ng deviation of the whole China in flood season are calculated.The comparison b
etween the forecast and real rain field is made. And the TS scores of important
rainfall processes of those areas are calculated. The evaluation of the model
prediction is made by comparin
g with the persistent forecast. It indicates that th
e prediction of AREM2.3 in the flood season of 2005 is steady in 48 hours, and A
REM2.3 has relative high prediction ability for rain in the middle and lower rea
ches of the Changjiang River, South China, North China, Northeast China, Southwe
st China, Hubei Province and the whole China, but the prediction for heavy rain
centers is not perfect, AREM2.3 has high prediction ability for meteorological e
lements in high level, too, its predicting ability for 500hPa height is better
than that for 500hPa temperature.
keywords: AREM2.3 TS score fail rate false rate predic
ting deviation average error root mean square error tendency correlation co
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
公颖 | 中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所,武汉 430074 |
张兵 | 中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所,武汉 430074 |
廖移山 | 中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所,武汉 430074 |
李俊 | 中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所,武汉 430074 |
Gong Ying,Zhang Bing,Liao Yishan,Li Jun,2007.Evaluation and Analysis of AREM Prediction Productsin Flood Season of 2005[J].Meteor Mon,33(1):87-93.
Gong Ying,Zhang Bing,Liao Yishan,Li Jun,2007.Evaluation and Analysis of AREM Prediction Productsin Flood Season of 2005[J].Meteor Mon,33(1):87-93.