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投稿时间:2006-06-22 修订日期:2006-11-15
投稿时间:2006-06-22 修订日期:2006-11-15
中文摘要: 随着我国气象台站地面自动气象观测系统的逐步布设,地面自动站观测资料质量控
Abstract:With the increasing of Automatic Weather Stations
(AWS) of China Meteorological Administration (CMA), it is very vital for meteorological operation to
develop and set up a quality control system of observations from AWS. As a qual
ity control flow from observational station to provincial meteorological data de
partment, subsequently to national data department, the three step quality cont
rol system in operation for observations from AWS has been studied since 2004. E
ach step has automatic control technique and interface application technique, al
lowing analyzing and amending some data. The three step quality control system c
ould improve the collection and disposition level of data observed at AWS and cou
ld insure the data quality. The operational flow setting in the whole quality co
ntrol system, the quality control technique and the quality control
information have been presented.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Ren Zhihua | Physics of School,Peking University,Beijing 100871 National Meteorological Information Center |
Xiong Anyuan | National Meteorological Information Center |
Ren Zhihua,Xiong Anyuan,2007.Operational System Development on Three step Quality Control of Observations from AWS[J].Meteor Mon,33(1):19-24.
Ren Zhihua,Xiong Anyuan,2007.Operational System Development on Three step Quality Control of Observations from AWS[J].Meteor Mon,33(1):19-24.