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投稿时间:2006-02-17 修订日期:2006-10-07
投稿时间:2006-02-17 修订日期:2006-10-07
中文摘要: 利用2005年3月3—6日的MICAPS常规资料,对天气形势和物理量场进行了详细分析,结果表明:在这次强倒春寒天气过程中,由于孟加拉湾到中南半岛一直维持强的高压环流,高压中心在高、中、低层都达到相当的强度,致使冷空气由北向南侵入滇中后受南部高压脊阻挡未能南下,而是向西侵入滇西、滇西北。这次倒春寒天气过程虽然没有南支槽配合,但高原南侧的低槽为这次降雪降雨提供了充足的水汽;500hPa上的西北气流,为这次倒春寒带来了强的冷平流;700hPa维持在丽江、昆明、蒙自的切变线是雪雨天气持续的主要动力因子。这些工作为
中文关键词: 倒春寒天气,环流,物理量分析
Abstract:The analysis of the synoptic situation and physical quantity field With the MI-CAPS's routine data on 3? March,2005 shows that the cold wave moved from north to south,and then moved from east into west and northwest of Yunnan.Because there was maintained strong anticyclonical circulation all along from the Bay of Bengal to Indochina Peninsula,and the anticyclonical centers were all stronger in the upper,middle and lower at-mosphere,the cold wave was obstructed and couldn't move to the south.There was no southern branch trough coupling,but the lower trough south of the plateau offered plentiful water vapor for the snowfall and rainfall,the northwest current at SOOhPa brought strong cold advection.The 200hPa shear line that kept in Lijiang,Kunming and Mengzi was the main dynamical factor for snowfall and rainfall weather.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2006.Causality Analysis of Cold Late Spring of Yunnan in March, 2005[J].Meteor Mon,32(12):82-87.
,2006.Causality Analysis of Cold Late Spring of Yunnan in March, 2005[J].Meteor Mon,32(12):82-87.