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投稿时间:2005-05-31 修订日期:2005-08-04
投稿时间:2005-05-31 修订日期:2005-08-04
中文摘要: 广义相当位温是一个包含水汽和液态水在内的新的大气热力学参量。通过简明推导和论证,进一步讨论其物理意义和扩展应用;结合耗散结构理论,提出了排熵指数的概念;根据广义相当位温自身的特点,设计了大气液态水含量指数和大气水物质含量指数等预报判据;这些参数在强对流天气和区域性暴雨分析预报中,应用效果较好。
Abstract:The generalized potential equivalent temperature θs can be considered as a new atmospheric parameter which contains vapor and liquid water in it. The physical significance of it and its extended application are further discussed by means of the concise derivation and demonstration. The concept of removal entropy index is proposed on the basis of the theory of dissipative structure. According to the characteristics of the generalized potential equivalent temperature itself, some parameters, such as the atmosphere liquid water content, the atmosphere water substance content,etc. are developed with these parameters, the very useful information for the forecasting of the severe convective weather and heavy rainfall can be provided.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2006.Generalized Potential Equivalent Temperature and Its Extended Application[J].Meteor Mon,32(3):11-17.
,2006.Generalized Potential Equivalent Temperature and Its Extended Application[J].Meteor Mon,32(3):11-17.