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中文摘要: 利用常规资料、多普勒雷达等资料,对威海市2004年8月4日夜间到6日早上连续3天暴雨大暴雨降水过程进行了分析,重点分析了5日夜间的中-β尺度大暴雨过程,发现此次降水是发生在副高边缘的高能量堆积区,冷空气的侵入是前期强降水的主要原因,而地面辐合是导致强降水再次出现的主要触发机制,充沛的水汽输送、聚集的对流有效能量为暴雨中尺度系统发生发展提供了必要的物理机制。
中文关键词: 连续暴雨,中-β尺度,副高边缘
Abstract:Based on the routine data and Doppler radar echo etc, a continuous heavy rain event in Weihai, Shandong Province from 4 to 6 August 2004 is diagnosed. The meso-β-scale heavy rain in the evening on August 5 is analyzed on emphases. It shows that the event occurred in the area of high energy accumulation at the edge of the west Pacific subtropical high. And the main reason of the heavy rainfall in the first period is the cold air invasion. Surface convergence is the primary trigger mechanism to lead the heavy rainfall again. The rich moisture transmission and the concentrated CAPE (convection available potential energy) provided the physics mechanism for the occurring and development of mesoscale heavy rainfall system.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2005.Analysis of a Meso-β-scale Heavy Rain in Continuous Heavy Rain Event[J].Meteor Mon,31(10):72-75.
,2005.Analysis of a Meso-β-scale Heavy Rain in Continuous Heavy Rain Event[J].Meteor Mon,31(10):72-75.