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中文摘要: 采用中国气象科学研究院数值预报中心自主开发的GRAPES全球数值模式,对2003年11月6~7日华北地区首次大到暴雪过程进行了数值模拟试验,并利用模式输出的物理量场对降雪过程作了天气动力学诊断分析发现:GRAPES全球数值模式能够较好地模拟出高低空环流形势场特征和主要影响天气系统,雨雪区的范围、走向及大到暴雪的落区,加进云图同化资料后对强降水模拟效果明显优于未加云图资料的模拟,但对于25mm及以上降水区预报范围偏大出现空报。该模式能够提供较为准确的高分辨率的诊断分析资料。
中文关键词: GRAPES模式,华北初雪,数值模拟,诊断分析
Abstract:The first snow in North China during 6—7 Nov. 2003 is simulated by the GRAPES global numerical model developed by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. The analysis of the output data indicates that GRAPES model can simulate out circulation's evolution og high and low level and the main synoptic systems,beside the distribution of psecipitation areas and the precipitation cells. The effect of simulation inserted cloud data is better than not inserted. But precipitation areas above 25mm are boti too large. The model can provide correct and high resolution data of diagnostic analysis also.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
宗志平 | 北京大学物理学院大气科学系,100871 |
刘文明 | 辽宁省气象台 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2004.Numerical Simulation and Diagnostic Analysis of the First Snow in North China, 2003[J].Meteor Mon,30(11):3-7.
,2004.Numerical Simulation and Diagnostic Analysis of the First Snow in North China, 2003[J].Meteor Mon,30(11):3-7.