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中文摘要: 2003年度(2002年12月至2003年11月) ,我国天气气候特点是:降水总体偏多,气温总体偏高。全国年度平均降水量较常年值偏多33.9mm,但降水分布不均,北方地区明显偏多,南方地区则异常偏少。淮河流域汛期、黄河中下游秋季发生严重洪涝;东北春季、南方夏秋均出现大范围干旱。全国年度平均气温比常年值偏高0.6℃,已连续7年高于常年,尤其南方地区气温偏高明显。2003年度我国气象灾害较频繁,其中干旱、暴雨洪涝、高温、低温连阴雨、冰雹等造成的损失相对较大。
中文关键词: 干旱,洪涝,高温,连阴雨
Abstract:In 2003 (from December 2002 to November 2003), the characteristics of weather and climate in China were summarized as follows:the annual precipitation was more than normal with higher temperature. The annual precipitation in China was 33.9mm more than normal, but its temporal and spatial distribution were uneven. In North China there was more rainfall, in contrast to the deficient counterpart in southern China. The severe flooding appeared in the Huaihe valley during flooding season (June-Aug.) and in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River during the autumn. However, the large-scale drought happened in Northeast China during the spring, and in the South China during the summer and autumn. The annual mean temperature in China was 0.6℃ higher than normal, which was warmer than normal for the seventh successive year. Particularly, the temperatures in the south of China were markedly higher than normal. The areas of South China (south of the Yangtze River) were frequently hit by anomalous hot wave in summer. The meteorological disasters frequently predominated China during 2003. More lose were caused by drought, rainstorm-caused flooding, anomalous high temperature, low temperature with continuing rainfall, and hail.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2004.Features of Weather and Climate in China 2003[J].Meteor Mon,30(4):29-32.
,2004.Features of Weather and Climate in China 2003[J].Meteor Mon,30(4):29-32.