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中文摘要: 利用1958~1997年NCAR/NCEP全球再分析资料和1951~1998年全国160站月降水资料研究了江淮流域旱涝年夏季E-P通量的分布状况,旱年E-P通量在40°N附近呈强辐合特征,涝年在30°N附近呈强辐合特征,其分布形式与降水的对应关系显著。旱涝年E-P通量不同的分布形式促使江淮流域旱年40°N附近的高空西风急流得到加强,涝年30°N附近的高空西风急流得到加强,使得相应地区的风场高层辐散、低层辐合得到加强,形成了有利于降水生成的动力条件,是江淮流域及中国区域不同形式的降水分布形成的重要因素。
中文关键词: E-P通量,江淮流域,旱、涝年,夏季降水
Abstract:Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data(1958-1997) and monthly-mean rainfall data(1951-1998) at 160 stations, the characteristics of summer Eliassen-Palm (E-P) flux in drought/flood years of the Changjiang and Huaihe valley are analyzed. Results indicate that the E-P flux show strong convergence at the regions of 40°N (30°N) in drought (flood) years, which is in well consistent with rainfall distributions. The different distributions of E-P flux in drought/flood years lead to the enhanced upper level westerly jet in the vicinity of 40°N (30°N) in drought(flood) years and further to the enhanced wind field divergence in the upper level and convergence in the lower level at the corresponding region which is favorable to the formation of rainfall and is an important factor for the distributions of rainfall in the Changjiang and Huaihe valley and in China.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2004.Characteristics of Summer Eliassen-Palm Flux in Drought/Flood Years of the Changjiang and Huaihe Valley[J].Meteor Mon,30(4):11-14.
,2004.Characteristics of Summer Eliassen-Palm Flux in Drought/Flood Years of the Changjiang and Huaihe Valley[J].Meteor Mon,30(4):11-14.