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中文摘要: 2001年8月5~6日上海市发生特大暴雨,其中黄浦区和徐家汇区出现了50年以来最大日雨量。利用加密卫星云图资料、上海南汇WSR88D多普勒雷达资料和加密观测等资料对“0185”特大暴雨过程作了天气动力学诊断分析发现:本次特大暴雨是中β尺度系统强烈发展引起的;初步揭示了深厚的湿中性层结和对称不稳定是导致中β尺度系统发展的激发机制,是特大暴雨形成的主要因素。
中文关键词: 中-β尺度系统,湿中性层结,对称不稳定,云顶亮温
Abstract:A process of heavy rain occurred in Shanghai on 5 and 6 August, 2001, the daily rainfall in the Huangpu and Xujiahui broke the record of last 50 years. Based on the densified satellite images, data of Doppler radar from Nanhui, Shanghai, the densified observation, and a dynamic diagnostic analysis of the event is documented. The result shows that it was the development of meso β-scale system that caused the heavy rain. And the deep humid neutral stratification and the symmetric instability, which act as the activator in the development of meso β
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2004.Analysis of “0185” Heavy Rain in Shanghai[J].Meteor Mon,30(3):25-30.
,2004.Analysis of “0185” Heavy Rain in Shanghai[J].Meteor Mon,30(3):25-30.