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中文摘要: 利用1971~2000年30年陕西94个气象站气象观测资料,根据中国气象局《沙尘天气预警业务服务暂行规定》中的有关规定对陕西沙尘天气及其所包含的沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘三种天气的时、空分布特点和变化特征分别进行了分析,并对其影响做简单论述。分析结果表明:陕西沙尘天气北部多南部少,沙尘暴主要出现在陕北;陕北北部沙尘天气以扬沙为最多,陕北南部、关中、陕南以浮尘为最多;陕西沙尘天气冬春季多,夏秋季较少,尤以4月最多,9月最少;陕西沙尘天气30年来呈减少趋势,其中,沙尘暴减少趋势最明显,浮尘减少趋势较小。
中文关键词: 沙尘天气,气候特征,影响
Abstract:According to “sand dust weather warning and service temporary rule” formulated by China Meteorological Administration, climate features, distribution and impact of sand dust weather in Shaanxi province are discussed based on data of 94 meteorological stations from 1970 to 2000. Here sand dust weather includes sandstorm, blowing sand and floating dust. Result indicates that more sand dust weather occured in northern Shaanxi than in the southern part, and more sandstorm in Shanbei; There is more blowing sand in northern Shanbei, while more floating dust appeared in southern Shanbei, Guanzhong and Shannan. In addition, the sand dust weather appears more frequently in the spring and winter months than in other months, especially in Apr. In recent 30 years, the sand dust weather tends to decrease.
keywords: sand dust weather,climate feature,impact
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2003.A Discussion of the Climate Feature and Impact of Sand Dust Weather in Shannxi Province[J].Meteor Mon,29(12):38-40.
,2003.A Discussion of the Climate Feature and Impact of Sand Dust Weather in Shannxi Province[J].Meteor Mon,29(12):38-40.