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中文摘要: 利用雷达回波资料分析了2001年9月18~20日发生在四川盆地西北部的暴雨过程。结果表明,强度在45dBz以上的回波的演变与强降水区域有很好的一致性。秋季当在絮状回波区中出现45~55dBz的强回波就应当加强雷达的警戒观测,对已出现洪涝灾害的区域,对中等强度的絮状回波也应跟踪观测,作好服务。
中文关键词: 大暴雨,强絮状回波,回波强度
Abstract:Using the radar echo data, a heavy rain event occurred in the northwestern Sichuan basin from 18 to 20 September of 2001 is investigated. The results show that the strong precipitation area is coincided with the echo variation with the intensity of 45dBz. In fall season, when the strong echoes with 45-55dBz presented in the floccose echo region, the radar warning observation should be conducted. Furthermore, the middle intensity echoes in the flooding region should also be tracked and observed, and the service to the users should be made.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2002.Radar Echo Analysis of a Heavy Rain Event in the Sichuan Basin[J].Meteor Mon,28(8):34-36.
,2002.Radar Echo Analysis of a Heavy Rain Event in the Sichuan Basin[J].Meteor Mon,28(8):34-36.