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中文摘要: 以闪电定位系统的定位原理和误差分析方法为基础,利用系统布设客观分析软件的自动选站和误差计算功能,比较了以不同方式组成的闪电监测网在一定范围内的定位误差。结果显示,除了系统本身存在的方位和时间误差外,布设子站的数目、几何形状、站距的大小对定位精度的影响均非常明显,与系统采取的定位算法也有很大关系。同时,提出并采取“一子多主,交叉组合”的技术策略,以湖北省为例,对闪电定位系统布网方案设计进行技术探讨。
中文关键词: 闪电定位系统,布网方案,精度分析
Abstract:Based on the principle of lightning location systems and analysis method of error, comparison was made that the locating errors of lightning detecting net in different component ways by using the software including functions as selecting automatically stations and calculation. The results show that the locating accuracy is related with the number of substations and geometrical shape and the distance between substations as well as the algorithm used besides the azimuth error and time error.In addition,a new strategy was put forward and adopted, that is,one substation serves more dominant stations and the several substations cross combined among them still serve different dominant stations,respectively. The technology of designing network of lightning location is studied according to conditions of Hubei Province.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2002.Study on Scheme Design of Lightning Location Network[J].Meteor Mon,28(6):11-15.
,2002.Study on Scheme Design of Lightning Location Network[J].Meteor Mon,28(6):11-15.