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中文摘要: 根据实测资料统计分析表明,吐鲁番盆地4种主栽品种葡萄果粒重、浆果含糖量、成熟系数(糖酸比)与开花后≥1 5℃积温呈极显著的logistic生长曲线,而含酸量与开花后≥1 5℃积温呈极显著的指数关系,并据此确定了上述各生长因子或品质因子变化的关键时期。为采取科学的栽培管理技术措施或开展不同用途的葡萄适宜采摘期预测预报工作提供了科学依据。
中文关键词: 葡萄,果粒重,糖酸含量,积温
Abstract:According to the actual data showed that grape′s weight,content of sugar mature coefficient (the rate of sugar and acid)have assumed extreme remarkable Logistic growing bend line with ≥15℃ accumulated tempreture of after blossom for four kinds of main plant breeds in Tulufan Basin,but extreme remarkable exponential function for content of acid with ≥15℃ accumulated tempreture of after blossom,so that the crucial period of different growing element or quality element were defined which provides scientific basis for scientific management measure or develop different uses of grape-picking period.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2002.Analysis of Change Regular of Increasing Weight and Content of Sugar Acid for Grape in Tulufan[J].Meteor Mon,28(1):52-55.
,2002.Analysis of Change Regular of Increasing Weight and Content of Sugar Acid for Grape in Tulufan[J].Meteor Mon,28(1):52-55.