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中文摘要: 在分析影响系统的基础上,结合GMS-5卫星云图、WSR 88D雷达资料对2001年8月5日夜间上海城市特大暴雨作了初步剖析。分析发现,中尺度对流系统(MCS)更替发展加强是产生强降水的直接原因;有利的环流背景导致了中尺度对流系统(MCS)的产生和稳定少动;上海三面环水的特殊地理条件为中尺度对流系统提供了充足的水汽。
中文关键词: 热带低压,暖切变,MCS,特大暴雨
Abstract:Based on the weather pattern,combined with GMS 5 cloud image and WSR 88D radar data,primary analysis is given on the torrential rainstorm of Shanghai City during the night of August 5th 2001.It is found that MCS′ continuously updating and developing is the direct cause of severe rainstorm;helpful circulation leads to MCS′ formation and stabilization,special geographical condition of Shanghai,faced with water in three sides,provides MCS with plentiful water vapor.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2002.Analysis of MCS′ Evolving Condition in 0185 Torrential Rainstorm of Shanghai[J].Meteor Mon,28(1):30-33.
,2002.Analysis of MCS′ Evolving Condition in 0185 Torrential Rainstorm of Shanghai[J].Meteor Mon,28(1):30-33.