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中文摘要: 根据引额济乌水利工程沙漠明渠沿线周围20个气象观测站39年(1961~1999年)气温资料和经纬度及海拔高度资料,采用气候学、地理学、水文工程学与熵气象学相结合的方法,建立了沙漠明渠近170 km沿线春季(4月)平均气温、夏季(7月)平均气温、年平均气温及稳定输水期推算模式。在此基础上,运用正态分布概率模式推算了沙漠明渠沿线春季(4月)平均气温、夏季(7月)平均气温和年平均气温不同概率设计值。由此揭示了沙漠明渠沿线春季(4月)平均气温、夏季(7月)平均气温和年平均气温及稳定输水期的分布规律。这一研究成果已应用于沙漠明渠输水工程设计中。
中文关键词: 气温参数设计值,水利工程,输水期
Abstract:According to the data of air temperature for nearly 40 years(1961—1999) at 20 weather stations around open trench of desert in hydraulic engineering of diverting water of Erqisi river into Urumqi and other data (longgitude,latitude and height above sea level), and applying ways of climatology,geography,hydraulic engineering and entropy meteorology, models of mean air temperature (April and July) , annual mean air temperature and stable period of water transmission in the open trench of 170km are built, meanwhile, by means of probability models of normal distribution , design value are obtained, so the distribution laws of these circumstances are disclosed.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2001.On Design Value of Air Temperature Parameters in Engineering of Diverting Erqisi River Water into Urumqi[J].Meteor Mon,27(7):3-7.
,2001.On Design Value of Air Temperature Parameters in Engineering of Diverting Erqisi River Water into Urumqi[J].Meteor Mon,27(7):3-7.