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中文摘要: 2000年受LaNina结束后冷水事件的影响,北半球大气环流的主要特征表现为:500hPa东亚中纬度呈经、纬向环流交替分布;西太平洋副热带高压偏弱、偏北、偏东;热带对流活动冬春季偏强,夏季偏弱,夏季风偏弱;赤道辐合带偏弱。在上述大气环流的影响下,台风偏少,夏季主要多雨带位于黄河与长江之间,黄河以北地区干旱严重。
中文关键词: LaNina事件,东亚环流,夏季旱涝
Abstract:Because of the cold episold of SST in the east equatorial Pacific, the characteristics of the general circulation in the northern Hemisphere are as follows: the general circulations in the middle and high latitude of the northern Hemisphere are vicissitude of zonal and meridional cell; the west Pacific subtropical high is weaker, northward and eastward; the tropical convections are strong in winter and spring, and weak in summer; both the summer monsoon and the ITCZ are weak Under the influence of the climatic conditions, the typhoon is less than normal; the major rainband is located between the Yellow River and Yangtze River;drought in the north of Yellow River is severe.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2001.The Characterstics of the Northern Hemispheric General Circulation and Its Influences upon China Climate in 2000[J].Meteor Mon,27(4):12-15.
,2001.The Characterstics of the Northern Hemispheric General Circulation and Its Influences upon China Climate in 2000[J].Meteor Mon,27(4):12-15.